May 15, 2015
2 min read

Upcoming conference highlights advances in clinical lipidology, patient care

In June, the National Lipid Association Scientific Sessions will feature thought-provoking panel discussions, expert presentations and new research in the field of clinical lipidology, covering topics from emerging therapies to recommendations for dyslipidemia management.

The annual meeting is expected to bring more than 550 clinical lipidologists and health care professionals to the Palmer House hotel in Chicago from June 11 to 14 to learn about the latest research on up-and-coming topics related to lipids and other CV risks.

Carl E. Orringer, MD, FNLA

Carl E. Orringer

“The National Lipid Association Scientific Sessions attract a broad array of health care professionals involved in the field of clinical lipidology, including primary and subspecialty physicians, researchers, pharmacists, industry, nurses and nurse practitioners, registered dietitians and nutritionists, exercise physiologists and more,” Carl E. Orringer, MD, FNLA, president-elect of the National Lipid Association (NLA), said in an interview.

Sessions of interest

Attendees will have access to 4 days of scientific sessions, case presentations and workshops. Some of the highlights include:

  • A look at the NLA Recommendations for Patient-Centered Management of Dyslipidemia and NLA Recommendations for Management of Special Populations, with talks by Orringer and Terry A. Jacobson, MD, FNLA.
  • Keynote sessions on emerging lipid-modifying therapies by James M. McKenney, PharmD, FNLA, and new evidence and outcomes by Philip J. Barter, MD, PhD. “The primary emphasis is to disseminate the latest information on new agents, particularly the PCSK9 inhibitors,” Orringer said.
  • Controversies in statin safety, with talks on statins and risk for diabetes by Kevin C. Maki, PhD, CLS, FNLA; statin-induced adverse muscle complaints by Robert S. Rosenson, MD; and perspectives on statins and cognitive impairment by Vera A. Bittner, MD, MSPH, FNLA.
  • Consensus and controversies in clinical lipid management, with presentations on the 2013 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Guidelines for Risk Assessment by Neil J. Stone, MD, FNLA, one of the guideline authors, as well as insight from other experts including Donald M. Lloyd-Jones, ScM, and Paul M. Ridker, MD.

Lifestyle interventions to reduce CV risk, treatment strategies for obesity management, hypertension guidelines and diabetes care will be topics of discussion at other sessions.

Vera Bittner

Vera A. Bittner

The Scientific Sessions are also anchored by scientific advancement through oral and poster presentations showcasing new research. According to Orringer, more than 90 abstracts were accepted and five will be presented during an oral session. “We will have a great opportunity to see some of the newest studies that are coming out in the field of clinical lipidology,” he said.

Abstract awards will also be announced, including the new FNLA Hunninghake FH Abstract Award for the best submitted abstract in the area of familial hypercholesterolemia research, and the NLA Young Investigator Awards for lead presenters who are students in training, residents and fellows or members in practice for less than 5 years. All accepted abstracts will be published in the annual NLA Scientific Sessions issue of the Journal of Clinical Lipidology.

Neil J. Stone

Neil J. Stone

Educational workshops, new sessions

The final day of the meeting will feature three workshops on pediatric dyslipidemia guidelines and pharmacology, women’s issues and everyday patient cases.

Additionally, there will be three conference workshops offered before the Scientific Sessions, including the Masters in Lipidology Course, The Lipid Academy and the NLA Coding Course, the latter of which is being given for the first time. “These are very intensive approaches to clinical lipidology, providing a wide overview of the field for those who want the highest level of academic excellence and knowledge in terms of patient care. The coding workshop is new and it is going to focus on ICD-10 coding strategies for practitioners whose practices are involved with clinical lipidology,” Orringer said.

The and Cardiology Today staff will provide coverage from the NLA Scientific Sessions, including reports on the sessions described above and others, onsite video interviews and much more.

For more information on the NLA Scientific Sessions agenda and registration, visit

Disclosure: Orringer is president-elect of the NLA.