CMS approves transitional payment for DCB in outpatient settings
Medtronic announced that CMS has approved a transitional pass-through payment for its IN.PACT Admiral drug-coated balloon for the treatment of peripheral artery disease in outpatient settings.
The approval could mean that more patients get access to the technology, according to a company press release.
The supplemental reimbursement provision under the Medicare hospital outpatient prospective payment system will take effect on April 1, 2015, and will remain in effect for 2 to 3 years, according to the release. Its purpose is to cover the additional cost to U.S. hospitals for treating Medicare beneficiaries with the DCB in the outpatient setting.
CMS agreed to the transitional payment after determining that “use of the new device significantly improves clinical outcomes for a patient population as compared to currently available treatments,” according to the release.
In the IN.PACT SFA trial, patients assigned the DCB had the lowest clinically driven target lesion revascularization rate (2.4% vs. 20.6% for patients assigned percutaneous transluminal angioplasty) for interventional treatment of PAD in the superficial femoral artery, according to the release.
A similar supplemental reimbursement provision for hospitals that treat Medicare beneficiaries with the DCB in an inpatient setting is under review, according to the release.