September 01, 2013
4 min read
This article is more than 5 years old. Information may no longer be current.
TASTE: Thrombus aspiration before primary PCI not beneficial to 30-day mortality
AMSTERDAM — Results of the TASTE trial have shown that routine intracoronary thrombus aspiration before primary PCI does not benefit mortality out to 30 days when compared with primary PCI alone.
Without clear evidence as to the clinical effect of routine thrombus aspiration before primary PCI in patients with STEMI, researchers for TASTE undertook the largest clinical trial to date on thrombus aspiration, according to Ole Fröbert, MD, PhD, trial investigator with the department of cardiology, Örebro University Hospital, Sweden, who presented the trial at ESC Congress 2013. The multicenter, prospective, open-label, randomized, controlled trial evaluated thrombus aspiration in 7,244 patients with STEMI from the Swedish Coronary Angiography and Angioplasty Registry (SCAAR), including 29 hospitals from Sweden, one from Denmark and one from Iceland. The study featured a novel registry-based randomized clinical trial concept, Fröbert said, in which national heart registries served as platforms for randomization, case reports and follow-up.
Patients were randomly assigned to manual thrombus aspiration followed by PCI (n=3,621) or to PCI alone (n=3,623).
The primary endpoint, all-cause mortality at 30 days, was 2.8% in the thrombus-aspiration group compared with 3% in the PCI-only group (HR=0.94; P=.63). In the per-protocol analysis, 30-day mortality was 2.6% with thrombus aspiration vs. 2.9% with PCI only (HR=0.88; P=.38).
Ole Fröbert
There were trends favoring thrombus aspiration in rehospitalizaton due to reinfarction (0.5% vs. 0.9%; P=.09) and stent thrombosis (0.2% vs. 0.5%; P=.06), although these did not reach statistical significance. Similarly, differences in the rates of stroke or neurologic complications, perforation or tamponade, HF or left ventricular dysfunction at the time of discharge, and length of stay in the hospital did not reach statistical significance.
The results were consistent across all major prespecified subgroups, including those defined by thrombus burden and coronary flow before PCI.
“Our results do not support the role of thrombus aspiration as a routine future treatment,” Fröbert said. “These results will likely have an impact on guidelines.”
Further, Fröbert added that the study’s unique registry-based randomized clinical trial concept represents a new, efficient and inexpensive way to assess treatments in large patient populations.
Results from the TASTE trial were simultaneously published in The New England Journal of Medicine. – by Brian Ellis
For more information:
Fröbert O. Hot Line I: Late breaking trials on thrombosis. Presented at: the European Society of Cardiology Congress; Aug. 31-Sept. 4, 2013; Amsterdam.
Fröbert O. N Eng J Med. 2013;doi:10.1056/nejmoa1308789.
Disclosure: Fröbert reports receiving grants from the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation. The study was supported by unrestricted grants from Medtronic, the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, Terumo and Vascular Solutions.
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Theodore A. Bass, MD
Trials assessing the value of adjunctive aspiration thrombectomy before TASTE were much smaller, a little inconsistent and had more focal endpoints, such as myocardial blush. TASTE instead looked at a hard clinical endpoint of 30-day all-cause mortality. The endpoint wasn’t reached in TASTE, indicating that there was no clinical benefit in performing aspiration thrombectomy. With the TAPAS trial, at 1 year they did show a mortality benefit, so the question is why TASTE did not. Although I can’t definitively answer that question, I can say that this only looked at 1 month data, and perhaps positive effects will manifest at 1 year.
Theodore A. Bass, MD
Professor of Medicine, University of Florida, Jacksonville
President, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions
Disclosures: Bass reports no relevant financial disclosures.
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Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH
This was a large trial of several thousand patients with STEMI undergoing primary PCI in Sweden. The idea was to see whether mortality would be favorably influenced, the hypothesis being perhaps removal of a thrombus before stenting would reduce mortality. There had been meta-analyses — in fact, I was a senior author for two of them — that showed a lower rate of major adverse cardiac events and even a lower rate for mortality [with this technique] in the 6- to 12-month range. As it turns out, this large, well-powered study did not show any significant difference in mortality, so manual thrombus aspiration did not reduce mortality. I should point out that it was a 30-day endpoint that was presented here, so we really need to see what happens with longer-term follow-up, and such follow-up is planned in this registry at 1 year, 3 years and 5 years. We will have a better sense, with longer-term follow-up, whether there is or is not a reduction in mortality. Secondary endpoints such as MI were reduced, although not statistically significantly so, just trends in terms of other secondary endpoints. Some practicality endpoints were reduced; the ability to direct stent was improved, the stent length was reduced with the strategy of manual thrombus aspiration before stenting.
This is a simple procedure; it is relatively inexpensive and doesn’t add much time to the procedure. I probably will continue manual thrombus aspiration in patients who present with STEMI prior to stenting them. On the other hand, one has to acknowledge that this large, well-done trial did not find a mortality difference. I should mention, however, there is another large randomized clinical trial that is ongoing, the TOTAL trial. We should wait and see what the TOTAL trial shows and what longer-term follow-up from the TASTE trial shows before making any decisions regarding whether to abandon thrombus aspiration using a catheter.
Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH
Cardiology Today's Intervention Chief Medical Editor
Cardiology Today Editorial Board member
Disclosures: Bhatt reports no relevant financial disclosures.
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Sanjit S. Jolly, MD
What we know from previous clinical trials is that thrombus aspiration tends to reduce distal embolization of thrombus and prevents low reflow. And clinically, we find that as an interventionalist, it’s quite useful in patients with heavy thrombus, for example. And we know from data from the American College of Cardiology – National Cardiovascular Data Registry that in about 20% of STEMIs, interventionalists use thrombus aspiration.
The TASTE trial has a very ambitious design, in that it’s the first trial probably in the last 5 to 10 years to use all-cause mortality as a primary outcome. And the reason why that’s unique is because mortality rates in STEMI are so low that [sponsors of] most trials, particularly [those funded by] pharmaceutical and device companies, have decided that it simply isn’t economically feasible to do a trial for all-cause mortality. When I first heard about this design, I was very happy that they were trying to go for such an ambitious outcome, but I was also concerned when I read the design paper that they initially planned for 10% control-rate mortality, because 10% mortality in a randomized clinical trial, even in an all-comers registry-based trial, is pretty unlikely. And they had data that they presented at various meetings on the mortality rates that they were observing, and they were somewhere between 2% to 3%. So you realize all of the sudden, if a trial was powered for 10% mortality, then going from 5% to 7% is not going to do the job in terms of accounting for that reduction in control event rates.
Sanjit S. Jolly, MD
Interventional Cardiologist, Associate Professor
Hamilton Health Sciences, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada
Disclosures: Jolly has received grant support from Medtronic.