Comparable outcomes observed for primary PCI with, without thrombectomy
Primary PCI with thrombectomy showed similar flow and stent area compared with primary PCI without thrombectomy, according to results obtained through optical frequency domain imaging.
“The main finding of this study is that aspiration thrombectomy during primary PCI was not associated with a significantly larger flow area compared with patients with non-thrombectomy,” the researchers wrote. “The amount of intraluminal mass attached to or free from the vessel wall was similar between the two groups. A per-treatment and per-protocol analyses did not affect the statistical outcomes.”
For this European multicenter trial, researchers randomly assigned 141 patients with STEMI less than 12 hours from onset to either primary PCI with (n=71) or without (n=70) thrombectomy. Baseline characteristics were matched between the two groups. The Eliminate catheter (Terumo Clinical Supply) was used in the group that received thrombectomy. Operators were masked to the optical frequency domain imaging results. The Nobori drug-eluting stent (Terumo Europe) was used for the stenting procedure.
Optical frequency domain imaging results revealed that the stent area and the minimum flow area were not different between the two groups. Researchers also found that in both groups, the amount of protrusion, intraluminal defect and incomplete stent apposition area were similar.
Disclosure: Onuma reports no relevant financial disclosures. The study was sponsored by Terumo Europe.