February 15, 2011
1 min read


Reperfusion Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke with Unclear Onset by MRI EvaluationTrial

Trial tracked outcomes of patients with unclear-onset stroke who were treated with information from MRI.

Design: prospective
Patients: 430
Centers: multicenter
Countries: South Korea

Results: Of the 430 patients, 83 (median age, 67 years) were treated with the use of MRI information. Overall, about 29% of patients had an ‘excellent outcome’ meaning they were able to carry out their usual activities, while roughly 45% of patients had at least a ‘good’ outcome characterized by no symptoms to a slight disability. Also noteworthy, factors for poor outcome included female sex, those who had more severe strokes at initial assessment and those who were treated at two medical centers lacking previous experience in thrombolysis for unclear-onset stroke.

Duncan PW. LB 11. Presented at: International Stroke Conference 2011. Feb. 9-11, 2011; Los Angeles.

Read more about the RESTORE trial here.