Ferric Carboxymaltose Assessment in Patients with Iron Deficiency and Chronic HF With and Without Anemia
Trial assessed intravenous infusion of ferric carboxymaltose vs. placebo in patients with chronic HF and iron deficiency.
Design: randomized, double blind
Patients: 459
Centers: multicenter
Countries: 10
RESULTS: Patient Global Assessment at 24 weeks improved in the ferric carboxymaltose group, with 50% of patients reporting either much improved or moderately improved scores vs. 27% in the placebo group (OR=2.51; 95% CI, 1.75-3.61). In addition, NYHA functional class improved in the ferrous carboxymaltose group, with 47% of patients reporting NYHA functional class I or II vs. 30% in the placebo group (OR=2.40; 95% CI, 1.55-3.71). There was also an improvement in six-minute walking distance at four weeks (P<.001), 12 weeks (P<.001) and 24 weeks (P<.001) in the ferric carboxymaltose group. No interactions between secondary endpoints were reported.
Presented at AHA 2009.
Click here to read more about the FAIR-HF trial.