Most recent by Tommaso Bonanzinga, MD
FORTE reviews 2016 achievements, prepares for challenges ahead in 2017
The general assembly of FORTE, which is the Federation of Orthopaedic Trainees in Europe, met at the FORTE Summit held in Lisbon, Portugal, on 26 November 2016. At the meeting, FORTE board members and national representatives reviewed the results of recent FORTE activities and identified objectives for future activities and efforts.
FORTE Summer School in August 2016 to offer review course, EBOT exam course
FORTE elects new executive committee, plans to offer summer course in 2016
Editor’s note: In this article from the FORTE organization, members of the organization’s new board of directors discuss the FORTE session held during the 16th EFORT Congress and plans for upcoming educational courses and activities. Look for more articles from FORTE members in future issues of Orthopaedics Today Europe.