Most recent by Gary W. Herschman, JD
VIDEO: Private equity transactions still lucrative despite decrease in market value
VIDEO: Private equity aims to grow, not change, physician practices
VIDEO: Private equity market still robust for physician groups
New investment provides ‘second bite’ transaction to physician practices
Consider a partner’s culture prior to a private equity transaction
VIDEO: Due diligence required for physician practices prior to private equity transaction
Several factors may increase trend of private equity transactions with physician practices
COVID-19: Orthopedic groups should consider key legal updates
Orthopedic groups should consider their strategic options now
Even if your orthopedic group plans to stay the course and remain independent, your physicians should decide to do so with their eyes wide open as to what strategic options may be available. As a leader of your group, you would do your partners a disservice if you make the decision regarding practice independence in a vacuum, without fully understanding options that may be extremely lucrative to physician owners. Moreover, some options that may be offered now may not be available a few years from now if you sit on the sidelines in the short-term and do not act.