Filippo Familiari, MD

Most recent by Filippo Familiari, MD

May 25, 2016
6 min read

Posterolateral corner injury diagnosis aids decision to repair or reconstruct

Posterolateral corner injuries of the knee account for about 16% of knee ligament injuries and these injuries frequently present with concomitant ACL and PCL injuries. Moreover, the incidence of posterolateral corner injuries is about 7% to 14% in ACL-deficient knees and that incidence is thought by some experts to be underestimated.

March 01, 2015
5 min read

Infection of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty requires active management

Editor’s note: In this article from the FORTE organization, Filippo Familiari, MD, and FORTE president Gazi Huri, MD, discuss the features of a reverse total shoulder arthroplasty periprosthetic infection. Look for more articles from FORTE members in future issues of Orthopaedics Today Europe.

July 01, 2017
3 min read

Report on ESTRO Summer School/Basic Science Course at EFORT 2017

The European School for Training in Orthopaedics or ESTRO organized the first ESTRO Summer School/Basic Science Course in conjunction with the 18th EFORT Congress held in Vienna 31 May to 2 June 2017. The ESTRO organization would like to thank the EFORT president, EFORT executive committee and the faculty of ESTRO for their outstanding support. The organization appreciated the big scientific platform, as well as the friendship, made possible at the congress.