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Darrell E. White, MD

White is an anterior segment surgeon and founder of SkyVision Centers in Westlake, Ohio.

Eye Care Out Loud

April 20, 2022
26 min listen

Post-op Drop Madness

Join White as he discusses the burden cataract post-operative regimens place on both patients and staff, and ways to “stop the madness.” He also gives a history of cataract post-op and the breakthroughs that led to today’s most common regimens.

March 02, 2022
20 min listen

Unnecessary Care?

What is unnecessary care? What does it look like in the real-world? Join White as he defines “medically unnecessary care” and shares a personal story.

November 13, 2020
40 min listen

Folly of FLACS

Join White as he discusses the history of cataract surgery and where femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery, or FLACS, fits in. He also explains what he believes to be follies of FLACS and why some continue to use this procedure.

October 07, 2020
27 min listen

Harsh Truths of Treating Perioperative Dry Eye

In this episode, White shares the harsh truths about treating perioperative dry eye, including who, when and for how long. Spoiler: Treated dry eye leads to better outcomes.

December 20, 2018
28 min listen

EMR Follies, Part Two

In this episode, Darrell White, MD, continues his analysis of the impact of electronic medical records (EMR), also known as electronic health records (EHR) on private ophthalmic practices.    

December 18, 2018
29 min listen

EMR Follies, Part One

In this episode, Darrell White, MD, takes a deep dive into the recent history on the impact of electronic medical records (EMR), also known as electronic health records (EHR) on private ophthalmic practices.    

June 29, 2018
17 min listen

How I came to start an eye care podcast

In this inaugural episode, Darrell White, MD, gives the background of how he came to be’s first podcaster, starting out from blogging, to The Dry Eye columnist to podcaster. While becoming known as’s dry eye disease expert, he delves into his background as an anterior segment ophthalmologist with a cross-interest in business and the ongoing arc of his career.

June 28, 2018
23 min listen

Thoughts on conflicts of interest in ophthalmology

In episode 2, Darrell White, MD, gives his opinion on conflicts of interest in ophthalmology. From pens given out by companies to selecting which IOL to use, he puts into context what potential conflicts of are compared with what could be called true conflicts of interest and how it is affecting eye care and medical practice in general.

June 27, 2018
32 min listen

The SkyVision patient-centered care model

In Episode 3, Darrell White, MD, discusses how he modeled his new private practice after a “customer-centered” approach. He did not benchmark any medical practices but instead modeled it after successful retail and hospitality enterprises that were known for creating the best customer experience. He sold his employees on the concept by doing “secret shopper” style field trips with his entire staff and sometimes their spouses. 

June 26, 2018
23 min listen

Thoughts on price transparency in eye care

In Episode 4, Darrell White, MD, discusses how and why transparency and price elevation has become so entwined in health care in the U.S. He discusses the impact of these issues on cataract surgery, and what can be done in to address some of the transparency – or the lack thereof – and pricing issues that have become deleterious to the private practice cataract surgeon.