Barbara A. Burtness, MD

Most recent by Barbara A. Burtness, MD

April 02, 2021
2 min watch

VIDEO: Meet the Women in Oncology board – Barbara Burtness, MD

Barbara Burtness, MD, said as a member of the Women in Oncology Peer Perspective Board, she hopes to help bring attention to the achievements and talents of women in the field, as well as their roles in leadership and publication.

August 23, 2017
3 min read

Significance of persistent Epstein-Barr virus DNA remains unclear

This abstract addresses the role of chemotherapy if there is persistent EBV DNA detectable after a patient with virus-related nasopharynx cancer has been treated with definitive chemoradiation.

February 10, 2017
4 min read

Changes to immigration, health policies will create economic havoc, increase ‘human cost’

President Donald J. Trump’s campaign was anti-immigrant from the day it was announced.

September 25, 2011
4 min read

The role of HPV testing in patients with oropharynx cancer

There is now compelling evidence that a large subset of oropharynx — tonsil and base of tongue — cancers arise from transforming HPV infection. These cancers have a molecular signature marked by loss of p53 and Rb expression and high p16 expression, which differs from the pattern of p53 mutation, p16 loss and high mutational burden of non-virally associated head and neck cancers, and they are dramatically more treatment responsive than head and neck cancers, which arise from tobacco and alcohol exposure.