Employment status affects mortality, recurrence in patients with first-time MI
Humanities and rheumatology: The time is now (again)

This current issue of Healio Rheumatology features a roundtable on “‘The Art of Medicine’: Physicians’ Artistic Pursuits Strengthen Empathy, Sharpen Skills,” with contributions from Ronan Kavanagh, MD; Iris Y. Navarro-Millan, MD; James Louie, MD; Ronald F. van Vollenhoven, MD, PhD; and myself. The topic is not new — and indeed it is old — but in my mind it is more relevant today than any other time in modern medicine.
Hooked on Rheum with Andrew J. Laster, MD

I have been told that I wanted to be a physician since I was a little kid, likely influenced by my maternal grandfather, Bernard Aschner, MD. He was a gynecologic surgeon and physiologist trained in Vienna and Berlin, who showed that the pituitary gland controls growth and sexual development by successfully performing transsphenoidal hypophysectomies in pups and comparing them to controls from the same litter. He later taught the surgical technique to the neurosurgeon Harvey Cushing, MD.
Just 63% of available pediatric rheumatology slots filled for Match Day 2023
The anatomy of a meeting: Reflections on #ACR22

I just got back from Philadelphia and ACR Convergence 2022, and let me start by saying how glad I am that I attended. I met and canvassed the Healio Rheumatology Peer Board members, as well as a large number of friends and professional colleagues, on what they thought about the meeting in an effort to describe what worked for them, as well as what may have missed the mark.