Work-Life Balance
Healio responds to backlash over podcast comments

Comments made in a podcast episode of Eye Care Insider by ophthalmology consultant John B. Pinto have been viewed by many of our listeners as sexist, and the comments received a strong backlash on social media. Editors at Healio did not initially flag the comments, mainly because Pinto has often referenced the younger generation of ophthalmologists as seeking out more of a work-life balance than the previous generation of ophthalmologists, many of whom could be identified as workaholics who lacked a healthy work-life balance. Healio editors apologize for not recognizing how the comments could be perceived as insensitive by female physicians. Through all of its editorial coverage Healio strongly supports women in medicine.
Protecting your time key to work-life balance for women in oncology
Approach family life ‘as a team’ to improve work, life balance
Work-life balance an important career consideration in oncology
Survey reveals impact of COVID-19 pandemic on physician mothers
Physicians can use ‘side gigs’ to reduce burnout, achieve financial freedom
Separation anxiety
Work-life balance is a ‘swinging pendulum’ that requires attention on each side
Work-life balance for APPs who are parents in the era of COVID-19
Facing Burnout: How One Cohort Moves the Topic from Taboo to Safe Zone
Imagine a guest lecture where fellows are given the opportunity to ask an invited speaker about burnout and work-life balance. Now, imagine the surprise when none of those fellows asks the lecturer a single question about that topic. Afterward, you approach the group to inquire why no one asked any questions. One of the fellows responds that they were uncomfortable asking burnout or work-life balance related questions in front of their peers and attendings.