Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration
VIDEO: Khanani delves into data from OPTIC trial
Three potential geographic atrophy subgroups identified
Adverum Biotechnologies reports positive interim data from three cohorts of OPTIC phase 1 trial
New interim data for the OPTIC phase 1 dose-ranging clinical trial of ADVM-022 intravitreal injection gene therapy for the treatment of wet age-related macular degeneration showed robust efficacy in each cohort, long-term durability in cohort 1 and the potential for fewer adverse events in cohort 3, according to a press release from Adverum Biotechnologies.
STAIRWAY trial shows sustained efficacy of faricimab
BLOG: The blue light effect you probably never thought about
BLOG: Do anti-VEGF injections increase risks of cataract surgery?
First patient dosed in cohort 4 of Adverum OPTIC trial
Regenxbio gene therapy delivers long-term treatment effect in wet AMD
BLOG: COVID-19 pandemic: In times of despair, opportunities abound

Reading the news and listening to reports of friends and loved ones being affected by the pandemic can be concerning. The calls from local and national health authorities to stay apart to stop the spread while trying to maintain a normal lifestyle can be difficult. And then seeing stories of patients young and old losing their lives to this virus can make us feel defeated and lost.