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March 06, 2023
1 min read

Top in cardiology: Health effect of 500 extra steps per day; racism and heart disease risk

Top in cardiology: Health effect of 500 extra steps per day; racism and heart disease risk

Every additional 500 steps walked could reduce the risk for a CVD event by about 14% in older adults, according to a presenter at American Heart Association’s Epidemiology, Prevention, Lifestyle & Cardiometabolic Health Scientific Sessions.

January 13, 2023
2 min read

Five minutes of walking every half hour reduces BP, glucose

Five minutes of walking every half hour reduces BP, glucose

Breaking up periods of prolong sitting by walking 5 minutes every half hour was associated with reductions in cardiometabolic risk factors, according to a recent study published in Medicine and Science in Sports Exercise.

January 10, 2023
2 min read

Replacing sedentary time with light activity tied to less adiposity in Black Caribbean men

Replacing sedentary time with light activity tied to less adiposity in Black Caribbean men

Engaging in light physical activity in lieu of sedentary time may help Black Caribbean men to reduce their adiposity, according to study results published in Obesity.

December 13, 2022
2 min read

Walking 10K steps per day may slow aortic dilation in pediatric Marfan syndrome

Walking 10K steps per day may slow aortic dilation in pediatric Marfan syndrome

A 6-month intervention with an exercise target of 10,000 steps per day may slow aortic root dilation in pediatric patients with Marfan syndrome, according to study data published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

November 04, 2022
2 min read

Smartphones may be used as motion sensors to predict population-level mortality risk

Smartphones may be used as motion sensors to predict population-level mortality risk

Using smartphones as motion sensors may be the key to population-level analysis for mortality risk, researchers wrote.

September 09, 2022
2 min read

Walking more than 10,000 steps daily reduces mortality risk in prediabetes and diabetes

Walking more than 10,000 steps daily reduces mortality risk in prediabetes and diabetes

Adults with prediabetes or diabetes have a reduced risk for all-cause mortality if they walk more than 10,000 steps per day, according to study findings published in Diabetes Care.

September 08, 2022
1 min read

At least 10 minutes of walking per day cuts mortality in older octogenarians

At least 10 minutes of walking per day cuts mortality in older octogenarians

Low levels of physical activity, such as 10 minutes of walking per day, may reduce all-cause mortality in those aged 85 years or more compared with those who do not walk at all, a speaker reported.

September 06, 2022
3 min read

Leisure-time activities lower risk for death by 13% in older adults

Leisure-time activities lower risk for death by 13% in older adults

Participating in leisure-time activities like playing tennis, swimming laps, jogging or walking may help lower the risk for death in older adults, according to researchers.

August 20, 2022
2 min read

Smartphone-based physical fitness test comparable to standardized clinic test

Smartphone-based physical fitness test comparable to standardized clinic test

A smartphone-based free walk in the park 6-minute walking test showed results similar to standardized tests performed in a clinic, researchers reported in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

August 06, 2022
2 min read

More steps improve CV risk factors, but effects vary by sex

More steps improve CV risk factors, but effects vary by sex

Smartphone-recorded steps over 2 years were linked to positive changes in CVD risk factors but varied between men and women, researchers reported in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

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