Thyroid Gland
Van Meter Award winner explores contribution of obesity to thyroid cancer incidence, mortality
CHICAGO — The American Thyroid Association’s annual Van Meter Award, presented to an investigator younger than 45 years who has made outstanding contributions to thyroid research, was conferred on a cancer epidemiologist for her work elucidating the contributions of environment and lifestyle, particularly obesity, to the rising incidence of thyroid cancer. The 2019 recipient, kept secret until the award lecture at the annual meeting, is Cari Kitahara, PhD, an investigator in the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, Radiation Epidemiology Branch, of NIH’s National Cancer Institute (NCI).
Hospital search engines ineffective for finding thyroid surgeons
Levothyroxine frequently prescribed despite lack of testing
Levothyroxine fails to benefit elderly patients with subclinical hypothyroidism
Thyroid over-replacement may increase atrial fibrillation, stroke risks
VIDEO: Thyroid ‘year in review’ covers clinical studies with impact
CHICAGO— In this video exclusive, Naifa Lamki Busaidy, MD, FACP, FACE, associate professor in the department of endocrine neoplasia and hormonal disorders at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, discusses recent peer-reviewed research that has had an impact on medical thyroidology — from hypothyroidism to thyroid cancer.
Hemithyroidectomies becoming more popular treatment for malignant thyroid cancer
CHICAGO— Adults with thyroid cancer have been treated more frequently with hemithyroidectomy and are receiving fewer completion procedures, particularly after the 2015 update to the guideline from the American Thyroid Association, according to findings presented at the annual meeting of the American Thyroid Association.
High, low preconception TSH levels may predict preterm delivery
CHICAGO— Using multiples of median calculations to assess thyroid-stimulating hormone levels among more than 4.3 million women in rural China, researchers found that risks for delivering a baby before term were elevated for both those with low and those with high TSH values, according to data presented at the American Thyroid Association annual meeting.
‘True rise’ in thyroid cancer incidence, related mortality observed in California
CHICAGO — From 2000 to 2012, men with thyroid cancer and individuals with larger thyroid tumors experienced greater cancer-related mortality, and adults were diagnosed with thyroid cancers of all types at higher rates, according to findings presented at the annual meeting of the American Thyroid Association.
Annual meeting highlights latest treatments, advances in thyroid care
Attendees heading to this year’s annual meeting of the American Thyroid Association can expect to learn about the latest advances in thyroidology while taking part in educational, networking and professional development opportunities that foster collaboration and discussion of cutting-edge research.