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Text Messaging

December 07, 2022
2 min read

Text messaging program increases medication adherence in hypertension

Text messaging program increases medication adherence in hypertension

CHICAGO — A text messaging program for patients with hypertension was associated with increased medication adherence and reduced systolic BP, researchers reported at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions.

November 23, 2022
2 min read

‘Code blue button’ may improve care of in-hospital cardiac arrest

‘Code blue button’ may improve care of in-hospital cardiac arrest

CHICAGO — A “code blue button” to activate code teams via text message may expedite epinephrine administration and increase survival to discharge vs. code activation by overhead page or pager alerts, a speaker reported.

May 09, 2022
2 min read

Weekly texts did not improve medication adherence after ACS, but may benefit lifestyle

Weekly texts did not improve medication adherence after ACS, but may benefit lifestyle

Weekly motivational text messages did not improve self-reported medication adherence among patients who experienced ACS vs. usual care alone, but they may have helped to improve certain lifestyle-related risk factors, researchers reported.

April 25, 2022
2 min read

Text, phone messages minimally effective in re-engaging adolescents in primary care

Text, phone messages minimally effective in re-engaging adolescents in primary care

DENVER — Text and phone messages were minimally effective at re-engaging adolescents in preventive services, according to data presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting.

April 22, 2022
3 min read

Text message intervention with gamification boosts postpartum physical activity

Text message intervention with gamification boosts postpartum physical activity

Postpartum women who participated in a text message intervention that included gamification walked an average of 647 more steps per day compared with similar women who received daily text message feedback without gamification, data show.

February 16, 2022
1 min read

Text messaging intervention improved outcomes in patients with unexpected surgical delays

Text messaging intervention improved outcomes in patients with unexpected surgical delays

Results showed psychological intervention delivered via automated mobile messaging robots improved function and outcomes in patients who experienced unexpected surgical delays during the COVID-19 pandemic.

January 24, 2022
1 min read

Text messaging shows promise as surveillance tool for respiratory infections

Text messaging shows promise as surveillance tool for respiratory infections

Text messaging showed promise as a surveillance tool to identify acute respiratory infections over a 5-year period in New York City, researchers found.

November 15, 2021
3 min read

Automated text messaging service significantly improves outcomes in patients with COVID-19

Automated text messaging service significantly improves outcomes in patients with COVID-19

Patients with COVID-19 who enrolled in an automated text messaging system with twice daily check-ins were 68% less likely to die than those who did not use it, according to an ACP press release.

May 19, 2021
2 min read

Text message intervention effective in reducing e-cigarette use

Text message intervention effective in reducing e-cigarette use

Young adults who received daily text messages as part of an e-cigarette cessation intervention reported higher rates of nicotine abstinence compared with a control group, according to results of a randomized clinical trial.

February 19, 2021
3 min watch

VIDEO: Text message program offers support to patients diagnosed with CRC

VIDEO: Text message program offers support to patients diagnosed with CRC

In an exclusive video, Healio Gastroenterology spoke with Brian Dooreck, MD, of Gastrointestinal Diagnostic Centers in Pembroke Pines, Fla., about the colorectal cancer provider outreach program, or CRC POP.

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