Surgical Site Infection
Prolonged-release antibiotic prevents abdominal surgical site infections
Many hospital-onset bloodstream infections may be misclassified
In an 8-year study, researchers found that 14.4% of bloodstream infections identified in patients within 2 weeks of hospital discharge had been acquired during hospitalization and would have been misclassified as health care-associated community onset bloodstream infections — rather than hospital-onset infections — without the inclusion of their history.
FDA considers Ebola vaccine, telehealth ‘viable’ option in antimicrobial stewardship — top stories in infectious disease
Surveillance misses many SSIs after outpatient procedures
Survey shows low uptake of surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis guidelines
Postoperative S. aureus infections decline nearly 50% over 7 years

The incidence rate of Staphylococcus aureus infection declined nearly 50% over 7 years among veterans undergoing major surgery, according to findings from “one of the largest studies describing the long-term incidence of S. aureus in the surgical population of a national integrated health care system.”