Stent Thrombosis
Dual therapy may confer less major bleeding vs. triple therapy in AF, PCI
BIOFLOW V: SES reduces event rates at 3 years vs. EES

Patients who underwent coronary revascularization with a bioresorbable polymer sirolimus-eluting stent had significantly lower rates of target vessel MI, late/very late stent thrombosis and clinically driven target lesion revascularization compared with those who underwent the procedure with a durable polymer everolimus-eluting stent, according to 3-year data from the BIOFLOW V trial presented at Cardiovascular Research Technologies.
Post-PCI ticagrelor does not lower MACE risk vs. clopidogrel in cohort study

Among patients with ACS who underwent PCI and received an outpatient prescription for ticagrelor or clopidogrel, ticagrelor was not associated with a significant reduction in risk for MACE, and those who received ticagrelor had more major bleeding and dyspnea, according to data from a population-based cohort study published in JAMA Internal Medicine.
SAFARI-STEMI: 30-day survival after PCI for STEMI similar by access site
PCI with ridaforolimus-eluting stent confers similar 2-year outcomes as ZES
In PCI population, cancer confers mortality, bleeding risks
IDEAL-LM: Newer EES plus shortened DAPT similar to older EES plus 1-year DAPT in left main disease
Durable-polymer DES noninferior to polymer-free DCS in patients with high bleeding risk, shorter DAPT: Onyx ONE

SAN FRANCISCO — In the first randomized trial to compare a durable-polymer DES with a polymer-free drug-coated stent in patients with high bleeding risk who received 1 month of dual antiplatelet therapy, treatment with the DES was as safe and effective as treatment with the DCS, according to results of the Onyx ONE trial presented at TCT 2019.