Sport-Related Injury
Should femoroacetabular impingement be surgically treated concurrently with athletic groin injury?
Surgeons demystify labral pathology in overhead athletes
Change the game: Injury challenges in female athletes
Sport specialization in female military cadets led to higher risk of overuse injuries
Researchers find increase in at-home pediatric fractures during the COVID-19 pandemic
BLOG: Brain injury helps engineers design better protective gear
Hospital for Special Surgery opens Florida facility
Worldwide sports surgery leader describes the basics of the ACL
Sports medicine, which focuses on improvement of athletic performances, diagnosis and treatment of injuries in professional and amateur athletes, as well as on the promotion of exercise and physical health in the general population, has become one of the fastest growing health care specialties in the last decades. EFORT is therefore pleased to welcome Freddie H. Fu, MD, DSc(Hon, DPs(Hon), one of the most prominent figures in sports medicine, physical therapy and mechanical engineering for sports, to give the Michael Freeman Honorary Lecture on Friday 11 June 2020.