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August 25, 2023
3 min read

Blood test helps predict risk for lung cancer mortality

Blood test helps predict risk for lung cancer mortality

Researchers have developed a method to predict which individuals are at higher risk for lung cancer-related mortality.

August 09, 2023
3 min read

Long-term smokers have respiratory symptoms not evident on spirometry

Long-term smokers have respiratory symptoms not evident on spirometry

Despite normal spirometry results, some adults with more than 20 pack-years of smoking display respiratory symptoms and experience more exacerbations than asymptomatic smokers, according to results published in JAMA.

August 04, 2023
8 min read

Q&A: Addressing lack of safe, effective smoking cessation therapies

Q&A: Addressing lack of safe, effective smoking cessation therapies

Although a recent report from the CDC showed that cigarette smoking in 2021 is the lowest it has been since 1965, millions of people continue to smoke, with many struggling to quit with the current authorized treatments.

July 20, 2023
3 min read

Phase 3 data show cytisinicline is tolerable, effective for smoking cessation

Phase 3 data show cytisinicline is tolerable, effective for smoking cessation

A 6- and 12-week course of cytisinicline were associated with higher rates of smoking cessation compared with placebo, according to results of the phase 3 ORCA-2 trial.

July 19, 2023
2 min read

Lower back pain may impact more than 800 million people globally by 2050

Lower back pain may impact more than 800 million people globally by 2050

Lower back pain remains the leading global cause of years lived with disability, while projections estimate that more than 800 million people will experience lower back pain by 2050, according to data published in The Lancet Rheumatology.

June 30, 2023
3 min read

High cardiorespiratory fitness levels may reduce cancer risk, mortality among men

High cardiorespiratory fitness levels may reduce cancer risk, mortality among men

Cardiorespiratory fitness levels appeared associated with cancer risk and mortality among a cohort of Swedish men, according to study results published in JAMA Network Open.

June 01, 2023
3 min read

Many adults continue smoking after cancer diagnosis, despite CV benefits of quitting

Many adults continue smoking after cancer diagnosis, despite CV benefits of quitting

Quitting smoking after a cancer diagnosis can reduce CVD risk by 36% compared with continued smoking, yet 40% of patients who smoked opted to continue after a diagnosis, data from the Korean National Health Insurance Service show.

May 25, 2023
3 min read

Q&A: Restrictions may reduce use of flavored e-cigarette use by adolescents, young adults

Q&A: Restrictions may reduce use of flavored e-cigarette use by adolescents, young adults

About 70% of adolescents and young adults would discontinue their e-cigarette use under a hypothetical tobacco-only federal product standard, a recent study in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs found.

May 22, 2023
2 min read

Smoking, vaping linked to higher symptom burden among cancer survivors

Smoking, vaping linked to higher symptom burden among cancer survivors

Current smoking and vaping appeared associated with higher symptom burden among adult cancer survivors, according to data published in Cancer.

May 11, 2023
2 min read

Certain survivors of testicular cancer at greater risk for cardiovascular disease

Certain survivors of testicular cancer at greater risk for cardiovascular disease

Survivors of testicular cancer often have undetected risk factors for cardiovascular disease that can lead to worse quality of life, according to data published in Journal of Clinical Oncology.

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