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Smoking Cessation

September 14, 2020
5 min read

Do you have a ‘hard stop’ for active smokers scheduled for revision orthopedic surgery?

Do you have a ‘hard stop’ for active smokers scheduled for revision orthopedic surgery?

Smoking is one of the most harmful factors for clinical outcomes in orthopedic surgery. Numerous studies have reported the negative effects of smoking on infection rate, cardiopulmonary complications and tendon healing.

September 08, 2020
3 min read

Chemicals in e-cigarettes may form toxic compounds

Chemicals in e-cigarettes may form toxic compounds

Flavorings combine with solvents in electronic cigarettes to produce unstable chemicals that may cause respiratory effects in users, according to new data presented at the virtual European Respiratory Society International Congress.

September 02, 2020
1 min read

Smoking after AF diagnosis confers elevated stroke risk

Smoking after AF diagnosis confers elevated stroke risk

Patients who started or continued smoking after an atrial fibrillation diagnosis experienced greater risk for stroke compared with patients who quit or never smoked, researchers reported.

September 01, 2020
1 min read

45% of teens who vape are ‘seriously’ considering quitting, survey finds

45% of teens who vape are ‘seriously’ considering quitting, survey finds

A study published in JAMA Pediatrics reported that almost half of teens who vape e-cigarettes seriously contemplate quitting, suggesting that interventions focused on vaping cessation are “urgently needed,” researchers said.

August 20, 2020
2 min read

Racial disparities in lung cancer incidence reversed or eliminated among young Americans

Racial disparities in lung cancer incidence reversed or eliminated among young Americans

Past trends of higher lung cancer incidence among young Black people vs. young white people have disappeared for men and reversed for women in the United States, according to retrospective study results published in JNCI Cancer Spectrum.

August 11, 2020
2 min read

Smoking cessation after MI lowers mortality risk in young adults

Smoking cessation after MI lowers mortality risk in young adults

Young adults who quit smoking within 1 year after an MI reduced their risk for all-cause and CV mortality by more than 50%, researchers found.

August 06, 2020
2 min read

European group: E-cigarette use should be limited due to CV effects

European group: E-cigarette use should be limited due to CV effects

In a new position paper, the European Association of Preventive Cardiology recommended that due to known CV harms from e-cigarettes, they should not be used for smoking cessation except as a last resort.

August 04, 2020
2 min read

Former smokers with long duration of smoking history at risk for poor health later in life

Former smokers with long duration of smoking history at risk for poor health later in life

Smoking history and duration impact current health measures among former smokers aged 65 years and older, according to new data published in the National Health Statistics Report.

August 03, 2020
2 min read

Top pulmonology news in July: COVID-19 updates, smoking cessation guidance and more

Top pulmonology news in July: COVID-19 updates, smoking cessation guidance and more

The Healio editors have compiled a list of the most-read pulmonology news published in July.

July 27, 2020
2 min read

Varenicline recommended over patch, bupropion as initial treatment for smoking cessation

Varenicline recommended over patch, bupropion as initial treatment for smoking cessation

The American Thoracic Society issued a new clinical practice guideline that outlines recommendations for initiating pharmacologic treatment for smoking cessation in tobacco-dependent adults.

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