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August 12, 2020
2 min read

Citizen responders before EMS increase CPR, defibrillation rates for cardiac arrest

Citizen responders before EMS increase CPR, defibrillation rates for cardiac arrest

Citizen responders who were dispatched through a smartphone app and arrived before emergency medical services increased the odds of the patient receiving bystander CPR and bystander defibrillation, researchers found.

August 11, 2020
2 min read

Smartphone app shows promise in preventing migraine

Smartphone app shows promise in preventing migraine

The smartphone app RELAXaHEAD, which consists of progressive muscle relaxation therapy assistance and an electronic headache diary, reduced headache days in patients with migraine, a pilot randomized controlled trial showed.

July 30, 2020
2 min read

Smartphone-delivered CBT intervention safe, effective for reducing anxiety

Smartphone-delivered CBT intervention safe, effective for reducing anxiety

A digital cognitive behavioral therapy intervention was safe and effective for reducing symptoms of anxiety and worry among individuals with generalized anxiety disorder, according to study results published in Depression and Anxiety.

July 08, 2020
1 min read

Insertable cardiac monitor for remote care nets FDA clearance

Insertable cardiac monitor for remote care nets FDA clearance

Medtronic announced it received FDA clearance and a CE mark for its insertable cardiac monitor with remote programming.

July 06, 2020
1 min read

FDA approves Bluetooth-capable ICD, CRT-D for continuous remote monitoring

FDA approves Bluetooth-capable ICD, CRT-D for continuous remote monitoring

Abbott announced that the FDA approved its next-generation Bluetooth-capable implantable cardioverter defibrillator and cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator devices.

June 25, 2020
5 min read

New study to assess health coaching for CV risk reduction in young Black adults

New study to assess health coaching for CV risk reduction in young Black adults

Culturally tailored health coaching may be an effective way to promote CV health and potentially reduce risk for CVD, although more data are needed to determine the best approach to do so.

May 18, 2020
4 min read

Public health officials turn to smartphone apps to strengthen COVID-19 response

Public health officials turn to smartphone apps to strengthen COVID-19 response

In an effort to aid contact tracing and infection control measures during the COVID-19 pandemic, institutions and public health departments and working with developers to create apps that assess the spread of the virus in communities across the United States.

April 18, 2020
2 min read

AHA awards $14 million to establish health technology research network

AHA awards $14 million to establish health technology research network

The American Heart Association announced it has awarded more than $14 million in scientific research grants to four multidisciplinary teams to develop the AHA’s new Strategically Focused Research Network on Health Technologies and Innovation.

April 16, 2020
2 min read

BP control rates after MI similar with smart technology, regular visits

BP control rates after MI similar with smart technology, regular visits

Follow-up after an acute MI using a smart technology approach, which utilized smartphone-compatible devices including a BP monitor, weight scale, step counter and rhythm monitor, yielded similar rates of regulated BP compared with the standard of care.

April 04, 2020
3 min read

Smartphone camera apps can detect AF, but false positives a concern

Smartphone camera apps can detect AF, but false positives a concern

A systematic review and meta-analysis of four smartphone camera applications that detect atrial fibrillation reported high sensitivity and specificity of the apps for diagnosing AF, but a modest predictive value, which researchers concluded could generate a high number of false-positive results.

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