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Septic Shock

June 08, 2020
7 min watch

VIDEO: Troponin levels may predict septic shock mortality risk

VIDEO: Troponin levels may predict septic shock mortality risk

In patients with septic shock, those with positive troponin results had a 20% higher mortality rate than patients with negative troponin results, according to data from a single-center study that were scheduled to be presented at the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting.

April 24, 2020
2 min read

Albumin level predicted complication risk after surgery for vertebral compression fracture

Albumin level predicted complication risk after surgery for vertebral compression fracture

Patients with an acute osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture and hypoalbuminemia based on preoperative serum albumin levels were statistically more likely to develop major complications, such as sepsis, septic shock, pulmonary embolism, reintubation and prolonged intubation, according to study results.

February 07, 2020
2 min read

Top pulmonology news from January: Surgeon general’s report on smoking cessation, critical care updates and more

Top pulmonology news from January: Surgeon general’s report on smoking cessation, critical care updates and more

Healio Pulmonology has you covered. The Editors have compiled a list of popular articles posted on Healio Pulmonology in January.

January 21, 2020
2 min read

Adding vitamin C, thiamine to hydrocortisone fails to improve sepsis outcomes

Adding vitamin C, thiamine to hydrocortisone fails to improve sepsis outcomes

When compared with hydrocortisone alone, treatment with a combination of IV vitamin C, thiamine and hydrocortisone did not prolong time alive and free of vasopressor administration for patients with septic shock, according to data from the VITAMINS trial.

December 16, 2019
1 min read

Companies collaborate on technology to improve sepsis care

Companies collaborate on technology to improve sepsis care

Ontera and QuantuMDx announced that they will collaborate on a technology to quickly detect bloodstream infections and drug resistance, with an aim toward improving outcomes for patients with sepsis.

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Asystole occurs when no electrical activity of the heart is seen. This may be a fatal arrhythmia when it occurs related to a severe underlying illness (septic shock, cardiogenic shock, post-PEA arrest).

October 29, 2024
2 min read

ChatGPT may help physicians answer questions from parents

ChatGPT may help physicians  answer questions from parents

ChatGPT and other large language models could help physicians field questions from patients and their caregivers, although researchers remain concerned about accuracy and HIPAA compliance, according to findings published in Pediatrics.

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