80% of Americans intend to regularly practice self-care after COVID-19 pandemic
Pediatricians play ‘critical’ role in care of transgender youths
Tips for managing diabetes distress during COVID-19
A global pandemic can lead to anxiety and depression for healthy adults faced with a host of unknowns. For people with diabetes, underlying disease-related distress or mental health concerns can be further amplified by the stressors of financial strain from job loss, questions about access to insulin and other medications, disruptions to daily routines, and a lack of access to healthy foods.
Revised self-care guidance builds on new roles for diabetes specialists
The Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists published an updated version of its self-care behavior framework this month, incorporating the latest advances in behavioral health, the expanded roles of diabetes care and education specialists and more than a decade’s worth of updates in diabetes technology.
Hail to the chief: Revisiting lessons learned by Dick Lindstrom
There are only so many opportunities as a premium surgeon to experience words of wisdom from one of our own chiefs in the field of eye care. OSN Chief Medical Editor Richard L. Lindstrom, MD, gave the keynote lecture at a recent eye meeting and discussed lessons learned throughout his career. With his permission, I wanted to share his top 10 lessons shared with the group and how they potentially can affect all of us as premium surgeons.
BLOG: How to be a better doctor today
The cover story in this issue of Ocular Surgery News focuses on noninfectious uveitis and new treatments that help control inflammation. Some of them, like Yutiq from EyePoint Pharmaceuticals and Ozurdex from Allergan, deliver anti-inflammatories inside the eye — an appealing approach because of the slow release of drug and the elimination of compliance issues. But of course, eye drops are used to treat most conditions in our specialty, and we know patients consistently fail to take them well. This is a bigger problem than most of us would like to acknowledge, yet few of us make the effort to educate patients on how to take drops. We would all be better doctors if we did.