Retinal Disease
Hypertension, diabetes affect age prediction from retinal fundus imaging
AAO calls for elimination of step therapy protocols during pandemic
Adverum Biotechnologies reports positive interim data from three cohorts of OPTIC phase 1 trial
New interim data for the OPTIC phase 1 dose-ranging clinical trial of ADVM-022 intravitreal injection gene therapy for the treatment of wet age-related macular degeneration showed robust efficacy in each cohort, long-term durability in cohort 1 and the potential for fewer adverse events in cohort 3, according to a press release from Adverum Biotechnologies.
STAIRWAY trial shows sustained efficacy of faricimab
Network meta-analysis finds little difference among anti-VEGF regimens for wet AMD
A network meta-analysis comparing anti-VEGF agents, dosing and injection frequency for the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration found comparable outcomes for all included anti-VEGF regimens, according to a presenter at the virtual Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology meeting.
Anti-VEGF-resistant subretinal fluid may lead to decreased risk for macular atrophy

Persistent subretinal fluid, or SRF, in the course of anti-VEGF treatment may operate as a compensatory mechanism that maintains the function of the degenerating macula and prevents progression to atrophy, according to one presenter at the virtual Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology meeting.
BLOG: An update on recent micropulse laser therapy studies
While anti-VEGF injections have dramatically improved our ability to treat many retinal diseases, there is a growing pool of evidence that shows that Iridex MicroPulse laser therapy may improve anatomy, reduce the treatment burden of intravitreal injections and improve visual outcomes. Here, I summarize two studies that show the value of having this treatment in our armamentarium.