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September 25, 2023
2 min read

Perioperative vaginal estrogen fails to reduce prolapse recurrence

Perioperative vaginal estrogen fails to reduce prolapse recurrence

Application of adjunctive perioperative vaginal estrogen failed to reduce prolapse recurrence after native tissue transvaginal prolapse repair compared with placebo, according to study results published in JAMA.

January 10, 2023
2 min read

Pessary not ‘noninferior’ to surgery for subjective improvement of pelvic organ prolapse

Pessary not ‘noninferior’ to surgery for subjective improvement of pelvic organ prolapse

Patient-reported improvement of pelvic organ prolapse symptoms was similar for pessary vs. surgery, but ultimately did not meet the noninferiority endpoint in a 2-year randomized clinical trial, according to data published in JAMA.

June 24, 2022
3 min read

Pelvic organ prolapse surgery vs. pessary treatment yields greater improvements

Pelvic organ prolapse surgery vs. pessary treatment yields greater improvements

Compared with pessary therapy, women who underwent surgery for symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse reported greater subjective improvement and sexual well-being, according to 1-year interim results of a randomized controlled trial.

May 25, 2022
2 min read

Transvaginal mesh noninferior to native tissue repair for pelvic organ prolapse

Transvaginal mesh noninferior to native tissue repair for pelvic organ prolapse

Transvaginal mesh was noninferior to native tissue repair in women with pelvic organ prolapse at 36 months, according to a prospective, nonrandomized study published in Obstetrics & Gynecology.

April 27, 2022
2 min read

Study identifies risk factors for recurrent pelvic organ prolapse after surgery

Study identifies risk factors for recurrent pelvic organ prolapse after surgery

Women with higher BMI, greater anatomical failure and smoking had a greater recurrence of pelvic organ prolapse — or POP — within 5 years of surgery, according to a secondary analysis of the SAVE-U trial.

June 08, 2021
1 min watch

VIDEO: Tips on how to avoid, correct iris prolapse without damage

VIDEO: Tips on how to avoid, correct iris prolapse without damage

KIAWAH ISLAND, S.C. — In this video from Kiawah Eye, John C. Hart Jr., MD, shares his surgical pearls on how to avoid iris prolapse and how to correct it with a technique he calls “no-touch iris repositing,” if it does occur.

July 31, 2020
2 min read

Pinterest content on pelvic organ prolapse lack quality, potentially biased

Pinterest content on pelvic organ prolapse lack quality, potentially biased

Pinterest posts, or “pins,” discussing pelvic organ prolapse often lack quality and some may be subject to commercial bias, according to a study presented at the Association for Healthcare Social Media Meeting.