Preventive Health Care
Hooked on Primary Care with Kathleen N. Mueller, MD, FAAFP
'It is no wonder' the US has a maternal mortality crisis: Here's why and what can be done
Hooked on Primary Care with Cynthia Chen-Joea, DO, MPH, CPH, FAAFP
National Diabetes Prevention Program enrollment may save on medical costs
Q&A: Lil Jon remixes 'Get Low' to encourage colorectal cancer screening
Hooked on Primary Care with Jay W. Lee, MD, MPH, FAAFP

After college, I thought I might work for Médecins Sans Frontières one day, so I grew my hair long and moved to rural post-war El Salvador, where I worked for a non-governmental organization supporting local Salvadoran physicians in the field. I was in my early twenties, trained as a wilderness emergency medical technician, and armed with hope. My job was to do whatever needed to be done, including take vital signs, dispense medications, scrub into surgeries, facilitate a potable water project and teach first aid.
Hooked on Primary Care with Bright Zhou, MD, MS
Balancing innovation, entrepreneurship and patient care, with Sharief Taraman, MD
Hooked on Primary Care with Sarah Sams, MD, FAAFP
Hooked on Primary Care with Tochi Iroku-Malize, MD, MPH, MBA, FAAFP

From childhood, I always knew I would go into medicine. My dad was a surgeon and my mom was a nurse. Which specialty, I would not know until I completed medical school and decided I wanted to “save the world” on a global scale. So, I had to research and find out which specialty would allow me to see any patient, anywhere, anytime. Family Medicine was it.