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Clinical Guidance
Ulcerative Colitis
Assessment and Treatment


Gary R. Lichtenstein, MD, FACP, FACG, AGA; Robert B Stein, MD

Free clinical reference tool that includes treatment options; diagnosis information; guidelines; and more.

August 05, 2024
2 min read

Vedolizumab improves clinical outcomes, induces mucosal healing in UC, chronic pouchitis

Vedolizumab improves clinical outcomes, induces mucosal healing in UC, chronic pouchitis

Vedolizumab not only induced endoscopic improvements in patients with chronic pouchitis, but also appeared to improve clinical outcomes at week 34, especially in those who achieved mucosal healing at week 14, research showed.

July 11, 2024
1 min read

FDA grants orphan drug designation to pouchitis treatment derived from green tea

FDA grants orphan drug designation to pouchitis treatment derived from green tea

The FDA has granted orphan drug designation to PharmassêtX’s PSX-514, a drug derived from an active component of green tea, for the treatment of pouchitis, according to a company press release.

February 21, 2024
2 min read

AGA guideline endorses FMT for recurrent C. difficile; ‘not yet advised’ for IBS, IBD

AGA guideline endorses FMT for recurrent <i>C.</i><i> </i><i>difficile</i>; ‘not yet advised’ for IBS, IBD

Although effective in select patients, the AGA advised against fecal microbiota-based therapies to prevent recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection in severely immunocompromised adults or to treat other gastrointestinal conditions.

December 19, 2023
2 min read

First comprehensive guideline on pouchitis management aims to have ‘direct impacts’ on care

First comprehensive guideline on pouchitis management aims to have &lsquo;direct impacts&rsquo; on care

The AGA has published the first comprehensive guideline on the management of pouchitis and other inflammatory pouch disorders among patients with ulcerative colitis who have undergone ileal pouch-anal anastomosis surgery.

January 25, 2023
2 min read

Dietitians ‘a valuable resource’ in multidisciplinary IBD care team

Dietitians &lsquo;a valuable resource&rsquo; in multidisciplinary IBD care team

DENVER — A varied and well-balanced diet plays “a significant role” in the management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease and can be guided with support from a dietitian, a presenter reported at the Crohn’s and Colitis Congress.

February 17, 2022
1 min read

IV vedolizumab effectively treats chronic pouchitis in UC

IV vedolizumab effectively treats chronic pouchitis in UC

Among patients with ulcerative colitis, IV vedolizumab safely and effectively treated chronic pouchitis following ileal pouch-anal anastomosis, according to research presented at the Congress of European Crohn’s and Colitis Organization.

August 13, 2020
1 min read

Smoking not linked with increased pouchitis risk

Current or past smoking was not associated with increased risk for the development of pouchitis in patients with ulcerative colitis, according to a meta-analysis published in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.

June 09, 2020
2 min read

AGA does not recommend probiotics for most GI conditions

AGA does not recommend probiotics for most GI conditions

In newly issued guidelines, the American Gastroenterological Association did not recommend using probiotics for most digestive conditions.

January 30, 2020
3 min watch

VIDEO: Patient-reported outcome system may help ‘drill down’ QOL issues after IPAA

VIDEO: Patient-reported outcome system may help &lsquo;drill down&rsquo; QOL issues after IPAA

AUSTIN, Texas — In this exclusive video from Crohn’s & Colitis Congress, Edward L. Barnes, MD, MPH, assistant professor of medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, discusses the results of a study he and colleagues presented that showed how patients with recent pouchitis had significant reductions in specific areas of social, emotional and physical health.

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