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Physical Activity

June 01, 2024
2 min read

Sedentary children risk liver disease in young adulthood

Sedentary children risk liver disease in young adulthood

BOSTON — Accumulating sedentary time during childhood was associated with increased risk for liver disease in young adulthood, but boosting light physical activity may lessen the risk, according to data presented at ENDO 2024.

May 30, 2024
2 min read

Physical activity tied to greater odds of objective, subjective hot flashes

Physical activity tied to greater odds of objective, subjective hot flashes

Acute increases in physical activity were associated with greater odds of objective and subjective hot flashes during waking and sleeping periods, according to findings published in Menopause.

May 24, 2024
3 min read

Step- and time-based exercises equally beneficial in reducing CVD, mortality risks

Step- and time-based exercises equally beneficial in reducing CVD, mortality risks

Both step counts and time-based physical activity reduced the risks of death and CVD among women aged 62 years and older, a study in JAMA Internal Medicine showed.

May 14, 2024
4 min read

New PAD guideline endorses multispecialty care team, structured exercise programs

New PAD guideline endorses multispecialty care team, structured exercise programs

A new guideline on lower-extremity peripheral artery disease encouraged managing care with a multispecialty team and having patients undergo structured exercise programs.

May 10, 2024
2 min read

Meeting WHO physical activity guidelines increases quality of life in middle-aged women

Meeting WHO physical activity guidelines increases quality of life in middle-aged women

Adherence to physical activity guidelines throughout midlife was associated with greater health-related quality of life in women, even if adherence began later, a study showed.

April 30, 2024
1 min read

Weight-bearing physical activity may increase risk of radiographic knee OA

Weight-bearing physical activity may increase risk of radiographic knee OA

According to published results, weight-bearing recreational physical activity may be associated with an increased risk of knee osteoarthritis in adults with decreased lower limb muscle mass vs. non-weight-bearing activity.

April 26, 2024
3 min read

Do not underestimate the power of ‘move more and sit less’ guideline, speaker says

Do not underestimate the power of ‘move more and sit less’ guideline, speaker says

DENVER —Exercise “pretty much improves everything” from metabolic health to musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, pulmonary, mental, sexual and cognitive health, an expert said.

April 26, 2024
1 min read

Climbing stairs reduces risk for all-cause, cardiovascular death

Climbing stairs reduces risk for all-cause, cardiovascular death

In a meta-analysis of studies covering more than 400,000 people, climbing stairs was associated with reduced risk for all-cause mortality and death from heart disease.

April 24, 2024
2 min read

Exercise in lupus should be individually tailored, professionally supervised

Exercise in lupus should be individually tailored, professionally supervised

Aerobic and resistance training are recommended for patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, but should be tailored to the individual and, ideally, supervised by a professional, according to recommendations published in RMD Open.

April 13, 2024
2 min read

Pattern of vigorous exercise, housework, walking, less TV linked to lower risk for stroke

Pattern of vigorous exercise, housework, walking, less TV linked to lower risk for stroke

Physical activity patterns dominated by vigorous exercise, housework or walking lowered stroke risk, whereas patterns with greater commuting or TV watching increased that risk, according to a prospective cohort study published in Stroke.

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