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Physical Abuse

March 03, 2025
2 min read

Childhood, adult trauma tied to worse sleep continuity, quality for midlife women

Childhood, adult trauma tied to worse sleep continuity, quality for midlife women

Trauma from childhood and adulthood were associated with worse measured uninterrupted sleep and worse self-reported sleep quality for midlife women, researchers reported in Menopause.

May 28, 2024
12 min read

‘It clearly can make it worse’: The connection between abuse, PTSD and chronic pain

‘It clearly can make it worse’: The connection between abuse, PTSD and chronic pain

A considerable proportion of rheumatology patients may have a history of abuse, trauma or post-traumatic stress that contributes an emotional component to their physical pain.

March 06, 2023
2 min read

Speaker: Staffing shortages in nephrology, burnout go hand in hand

Speaker: Staffing shortages in nephrology, burnout go hand in hand

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The staffing shortage in nephrology is leading to burnout, but it was also caused by burnout, according to a presenter at the Annual Dialysis Conference.

November 22, 2022
2 min read

People with childhood adversity at elevated risk for CVD in young adulthood

People with childhood adversity at elevated risk for CVD in young adulthood

Children who experienced adversity from age 0 to 15 years were at elevated risk for developing CVD in young adulthood compared with those who did not, researchers reported in the European Heart Journal.

October 07, 2022
2 min read

Q&A: How to address reproductive coercion in practice

Q&A: How to address reproductive coercion in practice

A new article published in The BMJ provides clinicians with guidance on identifying patients who are victims of reproductive coercion and how best to help them.

September 16, 2022
2 min read

Abuse, financial instability associated with worse menopausal symptoms, health in midlife

Abuse, financial instability associated with worse menopausal symptoms, health in midlife

Women with a history of abuse or financial instability were more likely to have worse menopausal symptoms and overall well-being, according to data published in Menopause.

April 20, 2022
2 min read

Adults with a history of abuse more likely to seek care from general practitioner

Adults with a history of abuse more likely to seek care from general practitioner

Adults with a history of abuse contacted their general practitioner 1.5 times more often than those without a history of abuse, according to a small Dutch study published in the European Journal of General Practice.

April 08, 2022
3 min read

Global prevalence of intimate partner violence against women ‘concerning’

Global prevalence of intimate partner violence against women ‘concerning’

One in four women aged younger than 50 years reported at least one experience of intimate partner violence, with 13% having experienced it within the past year, according to an analysis published in The Lancet.

February 28, 2022
3 min read

Intergenerational abuse, childhood violence may cause earlier onset of menopause

Intergenerational abuse, childhood violence may cause earlier onset of menopause

Women who experienced physical abuse in childhood or the sexual abuse of their own child reached menopause earlier than women who did not, especially if they experienced both, according to data published in Menopause.

December 23, 2021
2 min read

Childhood abuse linked to negative cardiometabolic outcomes in early adulthood

Childhood abuse linked to negative cardiometabolic outcomes in early adulthood

Childhood abuse was associated with certain negative cardiometabolic outcomes at different ages in young adults, according to study data published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

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