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Pharmacogenomic Testing

Clinical Guidance

Precision Medicine

Edward S. Kim, MD, MBA, FACP, FASCO; Jennifer Benbow, PhD, CCRP

Free clinical reference tool that includes treatment options; diagnosis information; guidelines; and more.

January 02, 2024
2 min read

‘Everybody’ with breast cancer should undergo genomic testing for BRCA mutations

&lsquo;Everybody&rsquo; with breast cancer should undergo genomic testing for <i>BRCA</i> mutations

All women with breast cancer should undergo genetic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, according to study findings presented at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.

April 05, 2021
8 min read

Pharmacogenetic testing may improve outcomes for patients with depression

Pharmacogenetic testing may improve outcomes for patients with depression

COVID-19 has caused major physical and psychological harm for millions of Americans.

June 08, 2020
2 min read

GeneSight pharmacogenomic test linked to improved outcomes among patients with depression

GeneSight pharmacogenomic test linked to improved outcomes among patients with depression

Use of a combinatorial pharmacogenomic test appeared associated with improved outcomes among patients with major depressive disorder, according to data presented at the American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology Annual Meeting.

November 01, 2019
1 min read

Combinatorial pharmacogenomic test may significantly improve MDD outcomes

Combinatorial pharmacogenomic test may significantly improve MDD outcomes

A combinatorial pharmacogenomic test significantly improved outcomes among patients with major depressive disorder who had at least one prior medication failure, according to results of a randomized controlled trial published in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.