Ab interno trabeculotomy adds benefit in reducing IOP
Positive effects of Hydrus plus phaco persist
Wills Eye opens new training lab, named best training hospital
Office-based cataract surgery may be next major trend in ophthalmology
Phaco plus goniosynechialysis adds no IOP-lowering benefit in angle closure
Unused drugs impact cost, environment
Pop goes the weasel: Avoiding posterior capsule rupture

So, what makes a premium surgeon think about a nursery rhyme in the first place? Weasel means coat, and it was traditional for even poor people to own a suit, which they wore as their “Sunday best.” When times were hard, they would pawn their suit, or coat, on a Monday and claim it back before Sunday, hence the term “pop goes the weasel.”
Laser plus phaco for dense cataracts enhances safety, visual outcomes
Removing extremely dense cataracts can often be traumatic to the corneal endothelium due to the increased amount of phacoemulsification energy required to break up tough nuclei. The resulting edema can have a significant impact on corneal health, lasting from days to weeks after surgery. If these patients have underlying endothelial disease such as Fuchs’ dystrophy with an already borderline endothelium, cataract removal can cause full corneal decompensation. It has been well accepted that laser nuclear fragmentation significantly decreases the amount of phacoemulsification energy needed in the eye.