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March 18, 2021
2 min read

Phaco, trabecular micro-bypass stents effective for primary angle-closure glaucoma

Eyes with primary angle-closure glaucoma that underwent phacoemulsification and implantation of two trabecular micro-bypass stents experienced a significant reduction of IOP at 1 year compared with baseline, according to a study.

March 09, 2021
1 min read

Optimal dose, concentration of moxifloxacin needed to prevent endophthalmitis

Optimal dose, concentration of moxifloxacin needed to prevent endophthalmitis

Endophthalmitis cases in a large retrospective clinical cohort study of patients who underwent cataract surgery were related to organism resistance in cefuroxime-treated eyes and sensitive organisms in moxifloxacin-treated eyes.

December 13, 2020
1 min read

Risk for GATT failure leads November glaucoma coverage

Risk factors for GATT failure topped November glaucoma coverage on Healio/OSN. Read below for other popular glaucoma articles.

December 09, 2020
1 min read

Special considerations needed for patients with glaucoma undergoing cataract surgery

When planning surgery for patients with cataracts and glaucoma, Douglas J. Rhee, MD, has several “rules of thumb” to consider when deciding whether to add a minimally invasive glaucoma procedure to phacoemulsification.

December 01, 2020
3 min read

America’s Got Talent: Premium pearls in refractive cataract surgery

America’s Got Talent: Premium pearls in refractive cataract surgery

The popular TV show America’s Got Talent brings all types of undiscovered talent of all ages — singers, magicians, comics, musicians, ventriloquists and more — before celebrity judges who decide who moves on in the competition each week.

November 21, 2020
4 min watch

VIDEO: Six-year results of iStent implantation

VIDEO: Six-year results of iStent implantation

In this Healio Video Perspective from the virtual AAO annual meeting, Tanner Ferguson, MD, shares results from a study investigating 6-year outcomes of the iStent (Glaukos) with phacoemulsification.

November 13, 2020
40 min listen

Folly of FLACS

Folly of FLACS

Join White as he discusses the history of cataract surgery and where femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery, or FLACS, fits in. He also explains what he believes to be follies of FLACS and why some continue to use this procedure.

November 12, 2020
3 min read

Co-treatment with dexamethasone implant safe, superior to phaco alone

Patients with nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy, macular edema and cataract had superior outcomes when treated with the DEX-I intravitreal implant and phacoemulsification compared with patients treated with phacoemulsification alone.

October 20, 2020
4 min read

Take steps to avoid phaco wound burn

Take steps to avoid phaco wound burn

The development of phacoemulsification using ultrasonic energy by Charles Kelman, MD, transformed the way that we perform cataract surgery.

September 07, 2020
4 min watch

VIDEO: Lindstrom interviews Curtis about Lensar in the pandemic

VIDEO: Lindstrom interviews Curtis about Lensar in the pandemic

In this Healio Video Perspective, OSN Chief Medical Editor Richard L. Lindstrom, MD, interviews Lensar CEO Nick Curtis about how the pandemic has affected business and what the future plans are for the company.

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