Pericardial Effusion
Severity of MIS-C fell over time, and most children recovered within 6 months
Pericardial effusions not prevalent among patients with alopecia treated with minoxidil
Next-generation LAA closure device lowers risk for in-hospital major adverse events
PINNACLE FLX: Next-generation LAA closure device safe, effective
Cephalic vein cutdown safest for lead insertion of implantable cardiac devices
In a meta-analysis of venous access techniques for implantation of cardiac implantable electronic devices, cephalic vein cutdown conferred lower risk for pneumothorax and lead failure compared with subclavian vein puncture, researchers reported at the American College of Cardiology Scientific Session.
Part of the Healio Network
Pericardial Effusion
A pericardial effusion occurs when a significant amount of fluid fills the pericardial space.
Part of the Healio Network
Dressler's Syndrome
Dressler’s syndrome (a.k.a. post-myocardial infarction syndrome) is an autoimmune phenomenon that can occur after myocardial infarction and manifests 2-3 weeks later as pericarditis and a pericardial effusion.
Part of the Healio Network
Coronary Dissection
A coronary artery dissection occurs when there is injury to the intima resulting in its separation from the media creating a false lumen.