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Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

February 18, 2021
1 min read



Novel healing-targeted drug-eluting stent (HT-DES; BuMA Supreme, Sinomed) vs. durable polymer everolimus-eluting stents for PCI.

February 11, 2021
1 min read

Primary PCI effective but underutilized in patients with STEMI, cancer

Primary PCI effective but underutilized in patients with STEMI, cancer

Primary PCI was associated with positive outcomes in patients with STEMI and cancer, but was underutilized, according to study data published in European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care.

February 03, 2021
2 min read

Women have lower MI incidence but, in younger patients, worse MI mortality vs. men

Women have lower MI incidence but, in younger patients, worse MI mortality vs. men

Women had lower incidences of MI and underwent fewer invasive treatments compared with men, according to study data published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

January 25, 2021
1 min read

FDA approves new DES system for large, proximal vessels

FDA approves new DES system for large, proximal vessels

Boston Scientific announced it received FDA approval for its drug-eluting stent system designed to treat large, proximal vessels.

January 21, 2021
2 min read

Default interventions spurred rise in cardiac rehabilitation referrals

Default interventions spurred rise in cardiac rehabilitation referrals

Default option interventions were associated with a significant increase in cardiac rehabilitation referrals for patients with ischemic heart disease, according to findings published in JAMA Network Open.

January 20, 2021
3 min read

Evolocumab may reduce likelihood of future revascularization in established ASCVD

Evolocumab may reduce likelihood of future revascularization in established ASCVD

Evolocumab, a PCSK9 inhibitor, in addition to statin therapy for stable atherosclerotic CVD may lower risk for future revascularization with PCI or CABG, according to findings published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

January 15, 2021
10 min read

The Take Home: TCT Connect

The Take Home: TCT Connect

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics meeting was held virtually. TCT Connect, which ran from Oct. 14 to 18, offered the latest in cutting-edge science for interventional cardiologists.

January 14, 2021
2 min read

Time between STEMI symptom onset, procedure appears to be crucial in PCI outcomes

Time between STEMI symptom onset, procedure appears to be crucial in PCI outcomes

Time from MI symptom onset to PCI may be a stronger predictor of infarct size and microvascular obstruction than door-to-balloon time in patients with STEMI, researchers reported.

December 28, 2020
2 min read

After PCI for MI, 90-day prescriptions confer better medication adherence, fewer changes

After PCI for MI, 90-day prescriptions confer better medication adherence, fewer changes

Patients who filled out 90-day rather than 30-day prescriptions demonstrated higher adherence and infrequent medication changes following post-MI hospital discharge, researchers reported.

December 23, 2020
2 min read

DAPT duration does not impact outcomes after PCI with SES

DAPT duration does not impact outcomes after PCI with SES

Among patients who underwent PCI with a sirolimus-eluting stent, short-term and long-term dual antiplatelet therapy conferred similar rates of target vessel failure, researchers reported.

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