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Pediatric Obesity

September 20, 2021
2 min read

Regional differences in BMI observed for children in US

Regional differences in BMI observed for children in US

Children living in the Midwest region of the U.S. have a higher BMI z score compared with those living in the Northeast, whereas children from the South and West have lower BMI z scores than the Northeast, according to study data.

September 17, 2021
3 min read

Lifestyle intervention failed to sustain BMI reductions for children with obesity

Lifestyle intervention failed to sustain BMI reductions for children with obesity

Children with a high BMI who participated in a high-intensity lifestyle intervention program in New Zealand had a lower BMI standard deviation score after 1 year, but the reduction was not sustained at 5 years, according to study data.

May 10, 2021
2 min read

Higher childhood BMI may lower later breast cancer risks

Higher childhood BMI may lower later breast cancer risks

Having a higher childhood BMI may be protective against both premenopausal and postmenopausal breast cancer, according to data presented at the European Congress on Obesity annual meeting.

April 13, 2021
2 min read

More weight gain for teen boys with obesity than girls during COVID-19

More weight gain for teen boys with obesity than girls during COVID-19

Teenage boys with obesity gained more than 8 pounds on average vs. about 2.6 pounds for girls, during Italy’s first COVID-19 lockdown in the spring of 2020, primarily due to spending more time video gaming, according to study data.

February 25, 2021
2 min read

Younger menarche yet delayed breast maturity found for girls with higher total body fat

Younger menarche yet delayed breast maturity found for girls with higher total body fat

Girls with higher total body fat are more likely to have menarche at a younger age and have slower breast development compared with those with normal total body fat, according to study data.

January 13, 2021
2 min read

Metabolic improvements seen 26 weeks after fecal microbiome transfer for teens

Metabolic improvements seen 26 weeks after fecal microbiome transfer for teens

Fecal microbiome transfer led to a mean reduction in android-to-gynoid fat ratio and a resolution of metabolic syndrome in a cohort of adolescents with obesity, according to randomized controlled trial data published in JAMA Network Open.

December 23, 2020
2 min read

Lifetime antimicrobial use associated with weight in early adolescence

Lifetime antimicrobial use associated with weight in early adolescence

Increasing lifetime exposure to antimicrobial agents was associated with increasing likelihood for overweight and obesity among older children, according to a study published in Pediatric Obesity.

November 18, 2020
2 min read

Small effects seen for tech-based pediatric obesity interventions

Small effects seen for tech-based pediatric obesity interventions

Digital interventions, such as websites, text messages and exercise-based video games, offered as part of pediatric obesity treatment added to small weight losses, but had no effect on obesity prevention, according to a meta-analysis.

November 06, 2020
4 min read

‘Concerning’ BMI, height trends observed among school-aged children worldwide

‘Concerning’ BMI, height trends observed among school-aged children worldwide

A new analysis shows highly variable trajectories over time in the height and BMI of school-aged children across countries, raising concerns about access to healthy foods and global nutrition programs.

November 05, 2020
2 min read

Earlier wake time may lead to increased body fat mass in adolescents

Earlier wake time may lead to increased body fat mass in adolescents

Children may be more likely to gain fat mass if they have an earlier morning wake time, according to a speaker at ObesityWeek Interactive.

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