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September 11, 2020
1 min read

FDA issues more warning letters to opioid website operators

FDA issues more warning letters to opioid website operators

The FDA recently announced that is has issued warning letters to 17 website operators for illegally selling opioids that are unapproved or misbranded, meaning they were sold without a prescription or lacked adequate directions for use.

September 03, 2020
1 min read

HHS releases $1.5 billion for opioid response programs

HHS releases $1.5 billion for opioid response programs

States and tribes will receive nearly $3 billion over the next 2 years for prevention, treatment and recovery support services for people with opioid use disorders, according to a press release from HHS.

August 27, 2020
2 min read

Interdisciplinary EHR feedback improves opioid prescribing patterns

Interdisciplinary EHR feedback improves opioid prescribing patterns

An interdisciplinary working group, using electronic health record data as feedback, was able to improve compliance with national and state opioid prescribing guidelines at a tertiary academic rheumatology practice, researchers noted.

August 26, 2020
3 min read

Pregnant women face barriers to opioid use disorder treatment

Pregnant women face barriers to opioid use disorder treatment

Many women seeking treatment for opioid use disorder, particularly pregnant women, face significant barriers to receiving treatment, according to a study published in JAMA Network Open.

August 25, 2020
2 min read

Opioid use in older adults with COPD can lead to respiratory harm

Opioid use in older adults with COPD can lead to respiratory harm

Factors such as advanced age and recent severe exacerbation may predict opioid-related pulmonary events in older adults with COPD, according to a study published in Annals of the American Thoracic Society.

August 14, 2020
5 min read

‘Room for improvement’: Treating ankylosing spondylitis

‘Room for improvement’: Treating ankylosing spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis presents significant challenges in pain management and remains a controversial topic with limited data for efficacy.

July 30, 2020
6 min read

Q&A: Canadian trial evaluates real-world use of medical cannabis products

Q&A: Canadian trial evaluates real-world use of medical cannabis products

A clinical trial recently launched in Canada is the first of its kind to collect real-world data on the use of validated medical cannabis products.

July 28, 2020
3 min read

AMA: Opioid prescriptions down, illicit drug use up

AMA: Opioid prescriptions down, illicit drug use up

Although opioid prescriptions decreased in the last year, the use and overdose rates of illicit drugs — including fentanyl and stimulants — have increased, according to a progress report released by the AMA Opioid Task Force.

July 24, 2020
2 min read

FDA requires opioid, OUD medication labels to include naloxone information

FDA requires opioid, OUD medication labels to include naloxone information

The FDA announced that drug manufacturers will now be required to include information about naloxone in prescribing information for opioids and medications to treat opioid use disorders.

July 20, 2020
2 min read

State policies linked to decreases in pediatric opioid exposure

State policies linked to decreases in pediatric opioid exposure

State-level opioid-reduction policies — specifically, the prescription drug monitoring program and pain clinic legislation — were associated with decreases in pediatric opioid exposures, a study showed.

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