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Obstructive Sleep Apnea

January 09, 2023
2 min read

Nasal spray treatment may help patients with obstructive sleep apnea

Nasal spray treatment may help patients with obstructive sleep apnea

A drug administered through a nasal spray may be an alternative treatment option for patients with obstructive sleep apnea by improving upper airway collapsibility, according to a study published in CHEST.

January 06, 2023
2 min read

FDA grants 510(k) clearance to obstructive sleep apnea treatment device

FDA grants 510(k) clearance to obstructive sleep apnea treatment device

The FDA has granted 510(k) clearance to a daytime-nighttime appliance, or DNA, to treat patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea, according to a manufacturer-issued press release.

December 05, 2022
2 min read

Sleep disruptions found in long COVID survivors have unclear impact

Sleep disruptions found in long COVID survivors have unclear impact

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Many survivors of long-term COVID experience difficulties sleeping, but it is unclear whether these disturbances are helping or hurting their recovery, according to a speaker at the CHEST Annual Meeting.

November 15, 2022
2 min read

USPSTF: Evidence insufficient on risks, benefits of sleep apnea screening

USPSTF: Evidence insufficient on risks, benefits of sleep apnea screening

There is still not enough evidence to make a recommendation for or against obstructive sleep apnea screening in asymptomatic adults, according to a statement from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.

October 20, 2022
2 min read

Lower household income associated with worse cardiovascular outcomes in sleep apnea

Lower household income associated with worse cardiovascular outcomes in sleep apnea

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Patients with obstructive sleep apnea and lower household income had higher odds of acute myocardial infarction, all-cause mortality and cardiac arrest, according to data presented at the CHEST Annual Meeting.

October 18, 2022
3 min read

Higher daily step counts associated with reduced risk for chronic diseases

Higher daily step counts associated with reduced risk for chronic diseases

Increasing daily step counts may reduce the risk for chronic diseases such as obesity, sleep apnea and major depressive disorder, a study published in Nature Medicine found.

October 03, 2022
2 min read

CPAP adherence may reduce rehospitalization in adults with obstructive sleep apnea, CVD

CPAP adherence may reduce rehospitalization in adults with obstructive sleep apnea, CVD

New data have linked more consistent use of CPAP treatment to lower risk for rehospitalization in older adults with obstructive sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease.

August 30, 2022
1 min read

Multimodal telemonitoring may aid in weight loss for patients with sleep apnea, obesity

Multimodal telemonitoring may aid in weight loss for patients with sleep apnea, obesity

Multimodal telemonitoring may aid in weight loss efforts by patients with obstructive sleep apnea and obesity, according to a study published in Chest.

July 14, 2022
1 min read

Ocular surface altered in subjects with untreated obstructive sleep apnea

Individuals with moderate/severe obstructive sleep apnea more commonly had floppy eyelid syndrome, shorter tear breakup time and higher ocular redness scores than those with normal/mild OSA, according to a study.

July 13, 2022
2 min read

Study does not support intranasal corticosteroids for most children with obstructive sleep apnea

Study does not support intranasal corticosteroids for most children with obstructive sleep apnea

Intranasal corticosteroids for the treatment of mild to severe obstructive sleep apnea in children did not result in significant changes in symptoms, polysomnography findings and neurobehavior, researchers reported in Chest.

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