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May 11, 2023
6 min read

Tips for starting medication in patients with opioid use disorder

Tips for starting medication in patients with opioid use disorder

SAN DIEGO — “Now more than ever,” physicians need to manage opioid use disorder with pharmacological treatment in the primary care setting, according to a speaker at the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting.

March 14, 2023
2 min read

Disability linked to treatment rates for opioid use disorder

Disability linked to treatment rates for opioid use disorder

Among Medicaid beneficiaries with opioid use disorder, those with a disability were less likely to receive medication treatment and to adhere to treatment for 6 months, according to findings published in JAMA Network Open.

May 12, 2022
1 min read

Those with opioid use disorder, polysubstance use less likely to initiate MOUD treatment

Those with opioid use disorder, polysubstance use less likely to initiate MOUD treatment

Individuals with opioid use disorder and polysubstance use were less likely to initiate treatment with buprenorphine and naltrexone than those without polysubstance use, according to a study published in JAMA Network Open.

February 15, 2022
6 min watch

VIDEO: Low-dose naltrexone shows promise in two patients with ‘complex’ refractory Crohn’s

VIDEO: Low-dose naltrexone shows promise in two patients with ‘complex’ refractory Crohn’s

Though further study is warranted, Leonard B. Weinstock, MD, FACP, adjunct professor at the Washington University School of Medicine, reported promising results of low-dose naltrexone use among two patients with Crohn’s disease.

June 15, 2021
1 min read

Varenicline/naltrexone combination may improve drinking outcomes in heavy-drinking smokers

Varenicline/naltrexone combination may improve drinking outcomes in heavy-drinking smokers

Concomitant targeting of smoking cessation and drinking reduction via pharmacotherapy appeared feasible, according to results of a randomized clinical trial published in American Journal of Psychiatry.

January 13, 2021
2 min read

Naltrexone-bupropion more effective than placebo for methamphetamine use disorder

Naltrexone-bupropion more effective than placebo for methamphetamine use disorder

Responses to combination naltrexone-bupropion therapy among adults with methamphetamine use disorder were “low” but higher than responses to placebo, researchers reported.

June 18, 2020
1 min read

Opioid use disorder medication, self-help groups rarely offered together

Opioid use disorder medication, self-help groups rarely offered together

The National Institute on Drug Abuse states that self-help groups, “so long as they do not discourage participants from taking medications, can be particularly helpful during recovery” from opioid addiction.

October 25, 2019
1 min read

Low-dose naltrexone safe, effective for neuropathic corneal pain

SAN FRANCISCO — Treatment with low-dose naltrexone resulted in improvements in pain and quality of life scores without serious side effects among patients with neuropathic corneal pain, according to a presenter at the American Academy of Ophthalmology annual meeting.

October 05, 2019
5 min watch

Clinical challenges in MDD patients with comorbid disorders

Clinical challenges in MDD patients with comorbid disorders

SAN DIEGO — In a video interview, W. Clay Jackson, MD, DipTh, clinical assistant professor of family medicine and psychiatry, University of Tennessee College of Medicine, talked about his presentation on the treatment of major depressive disorder with comorbid disorders.

September 29, 2019
2 min read

Low HIV transmission among recently incarcerated individuals living with HIV and SUDs

An assessment of sexual risk behaviors, as they relate to viral suppression, from before, during and after incarceration among persons living with HIV and alcohol use or opioid use disorders demonstrated that the risk of HIV transmission among this population is low.

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