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Minority Group

October 19, 2023
4 min read

AACR appoints Minorities in Cancer Research Council chair

Camille Ragin, PhD, MPH, has been named chair of the Minorities in Cancer Research Council for the American Association for Cancer Research.

January 12, 2023
4 min read

Disproportionate impact of post-pandemic negative mental health in underrepresented groups

Historically underrepresented populations are more at risk for COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and death compared with white individuals, the CDC reported in November 2022.

April 15, 2022
11 min watch

VIDEO: Representation in medicine fails to reflect diversifying US population

Representation of individuals underrepresented in academic medicine is further away from reflecting the U.S. population today than it was in 2000, according to findings published in The New England Journal of Medicine.

April 05, 2021
2 min read

Racial, ethnic minorities receive inequitable dementia care

Patients of a racial or ethnic minority group experienced a lower chance of receiving an earlier diagnosis of dementia or a comprehensive evaluation compared to white patients, according to findings published in JAMA Neurology.

November 26, 2019
3 min read

Frequent discrimination raises African immigrants’ risk for CVD

PHILADELPHIA — African immigrants who experience frequent discrimination have significantly elevated risk for CVD and high cholesterol, according to findings presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions.

October 14, 2019
1 min read

Longer sleep duration may cause cognitive decline in Hispanic, Latino adults

Among Hispanic and Latino individuals in the United States, long sleep duration was associated with a decline in neurocognitive performance and predicted 7-year neurocognitive decline, according to a study published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia. The researchers noted that longer habitual sleep duration may either be a warning sign of or a risk factor for this decline.

August 22, 2019
2 min read

Society for Investigative Dermatology prioritizes diversity via representation, scholarship

Measures taken by the Society for Investigative Dermatology to improve gender inequality and the underrepresentation of minorities have been successful within leadership and its awards, according to researchers in Journal of Investigative Dermatology.

August 12, 2019
2 min read

Racial disparities exist in use of palliative care for patients with ESKD

While the use of palliative care increased for all hospitalized patients with ESKD, black and Hispanic patients were significantly less likely to receive palliative care referrals and services than white patients, according to a recently published study.