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January 25, 2022
1 min read

Healio Honorees announced across 27 medical specialties

Healio Honorees announced across 27 medical specialties

Healio announced the first year’s honorees of its new recognition program, Healio Honors, according to a press release.

January 20, 2022
3 min read

Oncologist makes career move to industry to help solve inequities in cancer care

Oncologist makes career move to industry to help solve inequities in cancer care

Neelima Denduluri, MD, moved from a large breast oncology practice and research in clinical trials to industry because she sought to expand her skill set and greaten her impact.

January 13, 2022
5 min read

Major movements: Two women oncologists speak on new jobs, children

Major movements: Two women oncologists speak on new jobs, children

There are many major life events that can be as exciting as they are demanding, such as starting the next step in a career or having a child — both of which two oncologist colleagues experienced around the same time.

November 23, 2021
40 min listen

Mentorship and Career in Academic Medicine with Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil

Mentorship and Career in Academic Medicine with Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil

In this episode, Bhardwaj’s mentor, Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil, FACEP, FAHA, discusses the importance of a strong mentor-mentee relationship, his path into internal and emergency medicine training and much more. 

October 28, 2021
4 min read

Breast oncologist, researcher forges uncommon career path

Breast oncologist, researcher forges uncommon career path

As a physician-scientist and medical oncologist, Hanna Y. Irie, MD, PhD, has forged an uncommon path in oncology that does not fit into typical career tracks at most academic cancer centers.

October 26, 2021
3 min read

Resiliency, respect, relationships: A ‘laser-focused’ mission for ACG

Resiliency, respect, relationships: A ‘laser-focused’ mission for ACG

LAS VEGAS – Resiliency, respect and relationships allowed the ACG to thrive during the pandemic, pushed the careers of its leaders forward and brought the association back to in-person meetings.

October 21, 2021
1 min read

Top in hem/onc: CRISPR produces ‘life-altering’ changes, male allyship in medicine

Top in hem/onc: CRISPR produces ‘life-altering’ changes, male allyship in medicine

The CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing system is producing results that may transform the treatment of certain diseases, according to Nobel Prize winner Jennifer A. Doudna, PhD.

October 14, 2021
4 min read

Male allyship of female physicians entails mentorship, equality at home

Male allyship of female physicians entails mentorship, equality at home

In his presentation at the Women In Medicine Summit, W. Brad Johnson, PhD, acknowledged the oddness of the fact that he and his co-presenter David G. Smith, PhD, were “two men at a women’s conference.”

September 28, 2021
1 min read

Consider long-term goals when choosing ophthalmology fellowship program

Consider long-term goals when choosing ophthalmology fellowship program

A speaker at the Real World Ophthalmology meeting offered advice on choosing the right fit and making the most out of an ophthalmology fellowship program.

September 10, 2021
2 min read

Workshop seeks to inspire collaboration, mentorship among women in thoracic oncology

Workshop seeks to inspire collaboration, mentorship among women in thoracic oncology

In the spring of 2019, Heather A. Wakelee, MD, was approached by a group of young women seeking guidance and connection in their careers as thoracic oncologists.

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