Hospital readmission rates, costs high in dermatology
Changes in practice are needed to make CKD-ESKD model successful

The government took a bold step in payment reform in July with the announcement of five new Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation-designed payment models for physicians and dialysis providers. Ultimately, this movement away from fee-for-service payment toward value-based reimbursement is a fundamental step in the process of aligning health care providers around the holistic care for patients, especially upstream in chronic kidney disease.
Observational stays for ambulatory care-sensitive conditions on the rise
Hospitalizations related to ambulatory care-sensitive conditions, or ACSCs — such as dehydration and UTIs — are typically avoidable when patients receive quality primary care. Although evidence suggests the rates of inpatient hospitalizations for ACSCs have decreased in recent years, the rates of hospitalizations “for observation,” which do not count as inpatient admissions, have increased, according to researchers.