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November 25, 2019
4 min read

1.5 million US patients miss doses of ASCVD medication due to cost

1.5 million US patients miss doses of ASCVD medication due to cost

Approximately 2.2 million, or 13%, of patients with atherosclerotic CVD experience cost-related nonadherence to prescribed medication in the U.S. and approximately 9% take lower than the prescribed dose, according to findings published in Circulation.

November 22, 2019
3 min read

PD use increased after Medicare payment reform, but disparities in access remain

PD use increased after Medicare payment reform, but disparities in access remain

Recently published findings determined that PD use increased after the implementation of the 2011 Medicare prospective payment system for dialysis, yet specific patient characteristics were associated with the likelihood of utilization.

November 19, 2019
13 min read

The Customer is Sometimes Right: Direct-to-consumer Ads in Rheumatology

The Customer is Sometimes Right: Direct-to-consumer Ads in Rheumatology

Direct-to-consumer advertisements in health care occasionally provide patients with helpful information that sends them into the clinic with appropriate questions for their doctor. These questions, then, occasionally spark frank conversations that occasionally translate into shared decision-making to produce positive outcomes.

November 18, 2019
2 min read

Appropriate use of new technologies will not jeopardize MIPS score

Appropriate use of new technologies will not jeopardize MIPS score

Welcome to another edition of CEDARS/ASPENS Debates. CEDARS/ASPENS is a joint society of cornea, cataract and refractive surgery specialists, here to discuss some of the latest hot topics in ophthalmology.

November 11, 2019
2 min read

CMS announces removal of THA from inpatient only list

In its Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System Final Rule, CMS announced total hip arthroplasty, six spinal surgical procedures and certain anesthesia services will be removed from its inpatient only list.

November 04, 2019
2 min read

Diabetes incidence decreases, prevalence plateaus among Medicare beneficiaries

Diabetes incidence decreases, prevalence plateaus among Medicare beneficiaries

The prevalence of diabetes among adults aged at least 68 years has plateaued in recent years, and an analysis of Medicare claims data suggests diabetes incidence also has declined, according to findings published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

November 01, 2019
5 min read

Study evaluates influence of for-profit dialysis centers on access to transplantation

Study evaluates influence of for-profit dialysis centers on access to transplantation

Most nephrologists agree that a kidney transplant is the optimal choice for a patient with kidney disease — either preemptively or from a living or decreased donor. However, a study recently published in JAMA suggests the likelihood of a patient receiving any of those options or being referred for an evaluation can be influenced by who owns the dialysis facility.

October 14, 2019
2 min read

Reimbursement policies increase noninvasive cardiac testing in hospitals, costs

Reimbursement policies increase noninvasive cardiac testing in hospitals, costs

Medicare reimbursement policies that provide higher payments to hospitals than provider-based office settings for noninvasive cardiac tests lead to increases in testing and extra costs, according to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine.

October 13, 2019
1 min read

AAO prioritizing need to apply E/M code value increases to postoperative visits

SAN FRANCISCO — American Academy of Ophthalmology representatives are emphasizing the need to apply office visit Evaluation and Management code values, set to go into effect on Jan. 1, 2021, to postoperative visits as well, a speaker said here.

October 04, 2019
2 min read

Trump issues executive order to expand private Medicare insurance plans

Trump issues executive order to expand private Medicare insurance plans

President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order that directs HHS to take action to provide more insurance plan options under Medicare Advantage and to remove regulations that are burdensome to health care providers.

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