1.5 million US patients miss doses of ASCVD medication due to cost
PD use increased after Medicare payment reform, but disparities in access remain
The Customer is Sometimes Right: Direct-to-consumer Ads in Rheumatology

Direct-to-consumer advertisements in health care occasionally provide patients with helpful information that sends them into the clinic with appropriate questions for their doctor. These questions, then, occasionally spark frank conversations that occasionally translate into shared decision-making to produce positive outcomes.
Appropriate use of new technologies will not jeopardize MIPS score
CMS announces removal of THA from inpatient only list
Diabetes incidence decreases, prevalence plateaus among Medicare beneficiaries
Study evaluates influence of for-profit dialysis centers on access to transplantation

Most nephrologists agree that a kidney transplant is the optimal choice for a patient with kidney disease — either preemptively or from a living or decreased donor. However, a study recently published in JAMA suggests the likelihood of a patient receiving any of those options or being referred for an evaluation can be influenced by who owns the dialysis facility.