Tacrolimus safe, effective in lupus nephritis through 5 years
Patients who fail to meet 2019 EULAR/ACR lupus criteria amass less damage
Arthritis Foundation's 'Live Yes!' leverages patient input to enhance arthritis trials, potential therapies
The Arthritis Foundation is more than 70 years old, but its newest theme — Live Yes! — is in its infancy. Historically, the organization has zeroed in on key pillars, including access to care, advocacy in government and attention to the often-overlooked juvenile arthritis. Yet, the Foundation also understood the importance of interpersonal connections and support networks to patient well-being: An idea that laid the foundation for an online community that simultaneously educates and empowers patients, while cultivating their input to develop solutions for issues common to the arthritis population.
Cognitive screening proposed for certain patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases
Physiotherapy counseling plus FitBit promote physical activity in RA, lupus
Five steps U.S. federal, state regulators can take to ensure drug access during COVID-19 pandemic
Federal and state regulators, as well as distributors and pharmacies, must act now to establish anti-stockpiling measures and expand mail-order programs, as well as other policies, to ensure access to needed medications in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an editorial published in JAMA.