Liver Inflammation
Vitamin E improves serum inflammation markers, histology in MASLD
Fazirsiran lowers serum, liver concentrations of Z-AAT in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
Low-dose aspirin ‘potential therapeutic option’ for MASLD, markedly reduces steatosis
Growth hormone reduces liver fat, inflammation in adults with NAFLD
Interim analysis of metabolic modulators shows efficacy in NAFLD
REP2139 demonstrates functional cure in both HBV, HDV
Results from the REP 301 and REP 401 studies showed combination therapy with REP2139 and pegylated interferon led to high rates of hepatitis B seroconversion in patients coinfected with hepatitis B and hepatitis D with more than half of treated patients also achieving functional cure of hepatitis D, according to data presented at HEP DART 2019.
Rapid response to autoimmune hepatitis treatment linked to better outcomes
VIDEO: FXR agonists provide multiple hepatic improvements in NASH
Alcoholic hepatitis drug candidate shows ‘life-saving potential’

Data from a phase 2a clinical trial of DUR-928, an endogenous, small-molecule new chemical entity, for patients with alcoholic hepatitis demonstrated that the treatment led to greater reductions from baseline in bilirubin and MELD and improved Lille scores compared with a historical control group from a University of Louisville alcoholic hepatitis study, according to a company press release.