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Clinical Guidance
Lipid Management
Lipid and Lipoprotein Basics

Laboratory Measurement

Jennifer G. Robinson, MD, MPH

Free clinical reference tool that includes treatment options; diagnosis information; guidelines; and more.

Clinical Guidance
Lipid Management
Lipid and Lipoprotein Basics

Cholesterol and Atherogenesis

Jennifer G. Robinson, MD, MPH

Free clinical reference tool that includes treatment options; diagnosis information; guidelines; and more.

Clinical Guidance
Lipid Management
Lipid and Lipoprotein Basics

Lipid and Lipoprotein Basics

Jennifer G. Robinson, MD, MPH

Free clinical reference tool that includes treatment options; diagnosis information; guidelines; and more.

Clinical Guidance
Lipid Management
Lipid and Lipoprotein Basics

Clinical Lipid Management

Jennifer G. Robinson, MD, MPH

Free clinical reference tool that includes treatment options; diagnosis information; guidelines; and more.

August 30, 2023
4 min read

Successful early studies reported for two Lp(a)-lowering therapies

Successful early studies reported for two Lp(a)-lowering therapies

The first oral treatment to lower lipoprotein(a) safely lowered Lp(a) in a phase 1 study, whereas an extended phase 2 study showed durable Lp(a) lowering by an injectable treatment, researchers reported.

July 22, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Lp(a) testing often warranted, but how to treat high levels unclear

VIDEO: Lp(a) testing often warranted, but how to treat high levels unclear

ARLINGTON, Texas — In this Healio video exclusive, an expert breaks down a session on the significance of lipoprotein(a) at the American Society for Preventive Cardiology Congress on CVD Prevention.

June 02, 2023
4 min watch

VIDEO: The latest in lipid-lowering therapy at NLA with Christie M. Ballantyne

VIDEO: The latest in lipid-lowering therapy at NLA with Christie M. Ballantyne

In this Healio | Cardiology Today video exclusive, Christie M. Ballantyne, MD, FACC, FACP, FAHA, FNLA, provided a review of the NLA Scientific Session opening session, “The Latest in Lipid Lowering Therapy – It's Not Just a Phase.”

May 30, 2023
2 min read

Lp(a) level varies widely among Hispanic US adults

Lp(a) level varies widely among Hispanic US adults

Median lipoprotein(a) levels vary widely among Hispanic or Latino U.S. adults, with the highest median values seen among those self-identifying as Cuban, Dominican or Puerto Rican, researchers reported.

May 18, 2023
4 min read

Lipoprotein(a): The next frontier in CV risk reduction

Lipoprotein(a): The next frontier in CV risk reduction

This installment of Pipeline Pulse focuses on a single cardiovascular risk factor, lipoprotein(a), and examines two CV outcomes trials aimed at reducing CV events through Lp(a) reduction.

March 23, 2023
9 min read

Supplements touting CV benefits may be ‘harmful distraction’ from proven solutions

Supplements touting CV benefits may be ‘harmful distraction’ from proven solutions

Dietary supplements are big business in the United States and elsewhere, especially when it comes to products marketed to support CV health.

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