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Left Ventricular Function
September 04, 2019
2 min read
Untreated aortic stenosis confers poor survival regardless if moderate or severe
August 21, 2019
2 min read
Viable myocardium not linked to long-term CABG benefit for ischemic cardiomyopathy
Part of the Healio Network
Diastolic Mitral Regurgitation
Diastolic mitral regurgitation can occur in the setting of complete heart block when the atrium contracts early after ventricular contraction resulting in a prolonged left ventricular filling period increasing LV pressure toward end-diastole despite a lower left atrial pressure.
Part of the Healio Network
Frank-Starling Law
The Frank-Starling Law is the description of cardiac hemodynamics as it relates to myocyte stretch and contractility.