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Ldl Cholesterol

October 21, 2022
1 min read



Long-term safety of evolocumab (Repatha, Amgen) in FOURIER participants.


Saving the Hearts of Women Through Prevention

Saving the Hearts of Women Through Prevention
2.00 CME
120 MINS
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September 30, 2022
2 min read

Dual therapy for lower target LDL after stroke reduces risk for events at 5 years

Dual therapy for lower target LDL after stroke reduces risk for events at 5 years

An LDL target of less than 70 mg/dL with ezetimibe plus statin therapy was associated with lower risk for subsequent events after stroke/transient ischemic attack at 5 years vs. a target between 90 mg/dL and 110 mg/dL, researchers reported.

September 16, 2022
4 min watch

VIDEO: New guide discusses when to use nonstatin agents to reduce atherosclerotic CVD risk

VIDEO: New guide discusses when to use nonstatin agents to reduce atherosclerotic CVD risk

An expert consensus decision pathway recently issued by the American College of Cardiology addresses lipid-lowering therapies that were developed after the publication of the ACC/American Heart Association cholesterol guidelines in 2018.

September 09, 2022
3 min read

Obicetrapib decreases LDL, increases HDL in phase 2 trial

Obicetrapib decreases LDL, increases HDL in phase 2 trial

In a phase 2 trial, obicetrapib, an investigational cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibitor, decreased LDL, non-HDL, lipoprotein(a) and apolipoprotein B and increased HDL at 8 weeks, researchers reported in Nature Medicine.

August 29, 2022
2 min read

Long-term LDL cholesterol reduction with evolocumab reduces events, including CV death

Long-term LDL cholesterol reduction with evolocumab reduces events, including CV death

Data from an open-label extension of the FOURIER study show use of the PCSK9 inhibitor evolocumab for more than 7 years led to durable reductions in LDL and a reduction in CV events, including CV death, according to a speaker.

July 30, 2022
3 min read

Elevated HDL may improve SARS-CoV-2 infection resistance

Elevated HDL may improve SARS-CoV-2 infection resistance

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Changes in HDL level may be linked with SARS-CoV-2 infection risk and subsequent outcomes in COVID-19, a speaker reported.

July 26, 2022
2 min read

Researchers identify lipid cutoffs for CVD risk in young adults without diabetes

Researchers identify lipid cutoffs for CVD risk in young adults without diabetes

Researchers have identified lipid cutoffs that may indicate elevated risk for MI and stroke among young adults aged 20 to 39 years without a history of diabetes, according to findings published in European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

July 22, 2022
2 min read

Statin plus ezetimibe combination ‘alternative strategy’ to doubled statin dose in ASCVD

Statin plus ezetimibe combination ‘alternative strategy’ to doubled statin dose in ASCVD

Among adults with atherosclerotic CVD at very high risk, moderate-intensity statin plus ezetimibe combination therapy was noninferior to high-intensity statin monotherapy for major CV outcomes at 3 years, including CV death, data show.

July 19, 2022
1 min read

Remnant cholesterol may be an independent risk factor for ASCVD progression

Remnant cholesterol may be an independent risk factor for ASCVD progression

The level of total cholesterol minus HDL and LDL was associated with progression of atherosclerosis, independently of traditional CV risk factors, according to data published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging.

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