Laser Treatment
Use of topical exosomes could revolutionize skin regeneration
California ODs one step away from expanded scope that includes laser privileges
BLOG: Following up after MicroPulse laser treatment
VIDEO: Laser scleral microporation improves near vision in emmetropic presbyopes
Virginia becomes 8th state to grant laser privileges to ODs
Alexandrite hair removal laser could benefit hidradenitis suppurativa patients
Low-fluence laser may be alternative for pigmented facial lesions
Focal/grid laser treatment does not reduce ranibizumab injection frequency for macular edema
Data from the ZIPANGU study showed the use of focal/grid short-pulse laser therapy in patients receiving ranibizumab injections for the treatment of macular edema secondary to branch retinal vein occlusion did not reduce the number of necessary injections compared with patients undergoing ranibizumab monotherapy, according to a presenter at the virtual Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology meeting.
BLOG: An update on recent micropulse laser therapy studies
While anti-VEGF injections have dramatically improved our ability to treat many retinal diseases, there is a growing pool of evidence that shows that Iridex MicroPulse laser therapy may improve anatomy, reduce the treatment burden of intravitreal injections and improve visual outcomes. Here, I summarize two studies that show the value of having this treatment in our armamentarium.